Find a Hope Group

Hope GroupsRead more about why we have Hope Groups here.

If you go to Hope Chapel, we encourage you to be a part of a Hope Group. Everyone is welcome! Find your Hope Group below.


Many Hope Groups meet at Hope Chapel on Wednesdays during Family Night from 6-7:30pm. During that time, we have HopeKids’ Club (ages 0 through 5th) and Middle School Group (6-8th)

Family Night:

September through November 13th
January 8th through May 7th

Off Weeks:

Spring Break(March 19th)
Holy Week(April 16th)
Congregational Meetings (April 9th)

Childcare registration is currently closed, but if you have questions about childcare, contact  Joelene Michel.

Family Night Hope Groups

These groups meet during Family Night at Hope Chapel on Wednesdays. While adults participate in their Hope Groups, kids 5th grade and under take part in Wednesday Night Kids’ Club and junior high students meet in the Lighthouse.

Moms in Prayer and Purpose

Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm at Hope Chapel, Room 206

Moms in Prayer & Purpose is a group designed for mothers who want to connect, pray, and support each other on the unique journey of parenting. Whether you’re raising young children or school-aged kids, married or single, this space is for you. We’ll come together to pray, share encouragement, and explore parenting strategies that help us navigate the joys and challenges of motherhood, especially in the context of public school and faith. With a TBRI (Trust-Based Relational Intervention) practitioner in our group, we’ll also dive into practical ways to nurture our children emotionally and spiritually.

Join us every Wednesday evening, from January 15th to May 7th. It will be a time for meaningful conversations, prayer, and support as we grow together in faith and purpose.

Childcare provided by reservation. Click here to register! 

Register by January 12th

Tompkins Hope Group

Wednesdays, 6-7:30 p.m. at Hope Chapel, room 203

This is an open group for all ages, married or single. Our group’s focus is Bible Study. This year we will study the book of Mark using the guide by Tara-Leigh Cobble.


If you are looking for encouragement in your walk with Christ or need a better method of studying the Bible, please join us on Wednesdays at Hope Chapel. There is homework each week.

Proeger Bible Project

Wednesdays 6-7:30pm at Hope Chapel, room 205

Join us Wednesday nights at Hope Chapel for a Bible study led by Earl Proeger.  We’ll use video resources from the Bible Project to deepen our biblical knowledge through guided discussions, with no homework required.

Each session is self-contained, with time for sharing and prayer.

Contact Earl at 512-293-7731 or for more details.

Check out the Bible Project YouTube here and download the app here.

The Crafty Ladies

Every other Wednesday, 6-7:30pm at Hope Chapel Room 204

Are you a woman? Do you like hanging out with other women and doing fun activities? We’re going to be hanging out, talking about different discussion topics, and doing a game or activity together.

And there will be snacks, because you always need snacks.

Come hang out with us! You can come to all or drop in whenever!

The dates for the Spring are 3/12, 3/26, 4/23, 5/7

Prayer for Awakening

Wednesdays, 6-7:30 p.m. at Hope Chapel, Sanctuary (Main Auditorium)

Each week, this group gathers to pray for God to move in our midst at Hope Chapel and in our city – Unto Revival in our land and Jesus’ Return!

We want to know Him more deeply and walk with Him more intimately. We want to walk in the gifts of the Spirit and always make time to pray for one another and for what God’s doing at Hope Chapel.


Led by: Joelene and Michael Michel

Hope Groups Throughout the Week

These groups meet outside of Family Night. To join one or learn more, get in touch with the group's listed contact.

McDonald Hope Group

Every other Sunday at 1:00 p.m., location changes

We meet every other Sunday at 1:00 p.m. for potluck lunch with study of the Bible afterwards. We’re an “over 50” group but all are welcome. Contact Scott for the location.

Women's Virtual Bible Study

Mondays, 7-8:30 p.m. via Zoom

A virtual group meeting weekly on Zoom – reading scripture and talking about it. No prep or homework. We purpose to read God’s word weekly and discuss what we’ve heard.  Bring your favorite translation. (Up to 100 people are welcome). Contact us for Zoom link.

The NORWAL Group(NW Austin/Leander)

Thursdays, 7:00 p.m.

We’re a small group in the NorthWest Austin/Leander area focused on community and fellowship! We chat and pray together each week and occasionally organize special events like pool parties, movie nights, or trampoline builds. If you’re looking to connect with more Hopites, come join us on Thursday evenings at 7pm.
Contact Tim with any questions and to find out where we’re meeting next (we meet at a different house each week).

Suzi & Cosmo's BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) Group

Mondays at Grace Covenant Church, 7:15-8:55pm

Are you a Young Adult (age 18-35) looking for a place to build community and study God’s Word? You’re invited to join us in Bible Study Fellowship!

We’re studying Revelation using a 4 step approach:

  1. Study on your own
  2. Listen to a live teaching
  3. Discuss in a small group
  4. Read Commentary notes

To join, go to the BSF website and click “Request to Join” and/or contact Suzi Raines with questions.