Living out the Great Commission!

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.– Matt 28:19-20

We believe all followers of Jesus are called to live out the Great Commission. We are committed to discerning with you how God wants to use you in His great story! Hope Chapel is primarily focused on the Turkish people, but we champion any son and daughter of Hope called to the field.


  • Perspectives is an outstanding first step in determining your role in global outreach!
  • Read about ways you can begin to prepare yourself for global outreach. Download the guide ›

Are you considering serving overseas?

Please talk to a Hope Global Team member today!

Gathering Details

  • Every other Tuesday, 7-8:30pm
  • Zoom or Hope Chapel conference room

Latest Updates

  1. Visit with Carlos and Lorena

    Please join us for an amazing meal along with awe-inspiring God stories! Our friends have much to share about their adventures around the world.

    Please RSVP by July 9 on the Realm event.

  2. Lunch with Noah and Kara

    All are welcome to the Family Room after service on Aug 13 to enjoy our friends visiting from overseas. Please join us for lunch and to hear some great stories, challenging circumstances, and prayer requests.

    RSVP’s strongly encouraged.

  3. Lunch with Humberto and Consuelo

    Our friends will be visiting for a quick weekend and would love to share stories with you over lunch. Please join us in the Family Room on November 13 directly after the service for lunch and great fellowship!

    Please RSVP on Realm

  4. Sherwins Visiting from South Africa

    Our friends Michael and Allison will be in town for a brief visit and would love to share what God is doing in South Africa. Join us in the Family Room after the service on July 31 and hear how you have helped spread the gospel to the ends of the earth. Lunch provided, please rsvp on Realm.