Women of Hope

Updates from the Women's Ministry.

  1. Sacrosanct: A Night of Celebration

    An evening of celebration for young women transitioning from High School and College. This is a significant stepping point in the lives of ladies we know. Let’s love, encourage, and inspire these beautiful ladies. This will be a time of welcoming into our community of women. We will celebrate who they are, and offer support for the journey ahead of them.

    Are you graduating from High School or College? Are you a Mom, Sister, Grandmother, Aunt, or Friend who would like to celebrate these ladies?  Do you know someone you’d like to invite?

    Please RSVP, we welcome you to the celebration!

    When: July 8, 2017 7:00-9:30pm

    Where: Address to be provided to attendees (held in a private home)

    This event has expired. Please visit the Women of Hope page for future events and bible studies.


  2. Books & Breakfast

    Women’s Summer Books & Breakfast Study

    “Solid Truth for Slippery Times: A Study of Galatians”

    We live in slippery times; solid truth is the only antidote. In a world where many mix and match religious ideas it is critical to know truth for yourself. Discerning the influence of false gospels and living in the power and freedom of the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.  

    Join us for a 6 week inductive bible study of Galatians where we will share food and fellowship as we take a deeper look into Paul’s letter.   

    Dates: Thursdays,  June 15th-July 27th

    Time: 9:30-11:30am

    Childcare provided until spaces are filled.

    Questions: contact Aubrey Johnson or Brie Tschoepe

  3. Gallery Exhibit — Women of Hope: “True Names”

    Currently hung on the Sanctuary Gallery walls is an exhibit by members of the Women’s Ministry at Hope Chapel, entitled, “True Names.”

    “As women of hope I believe God calls us to reach the generation following us, and the one that has gone before us. A bridging of generations. It is in the beautiful weaving of young and old that God reveals our True Names. The pieces displayed reflect the artist interpretations of theirs or corporately our True Names as women. No more labels. Simply woman hearing the song of heaven as He sings over us our names.” – Lisette Espinosa

    This will be an evolving installation, with additional pieces going up over the length of the show.

  4. 2017 Women’s Retreat “True Name”

    “I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works, my soul knows it very well.” Psalms 139:14

    2017 Women of Hope Retreat “True Name”

    February 10 – 12th, 2017

    Round Top Retreat Center, Round Top, TX. 

    Make Payment Here

    If you’d like to pay by cash or check please make sure to do the following:

    • Make checks out to Hope Chapel and indicate Women’s Retreat and Your Full Name in memo.
    • Place cash payments in envelope and indicate Women’s Retreat and Your Full Name somewhere visible on envelope.
    • Please note all check and cash payments should be placed in offering boxes by payee.

    Would you like to provide a scholarship for someone? We thank you for your gift! Please follow the steps below:

    • Every time 3 people donate $40, 1 more lady who would otherwise not be able to, can attend!
    • Provide a scholarship through online giving here. In the memo indicate women’s retreat scholarship. If you know person(s) you’d like the scholarship to go to please indicate full name(s) in the memo as well.
    • If by check please indicate women’s retreat scholarship in the memo line. Do not write any individual name on scholarship checks. You may indicate person(s) you’d like it to go to by attaching a note with full name of person(s) that should receive scholarship.
    • If by cash please place in envelope and indicate women’s retreat scholarship somewhere visible on envelope. Add full name of individual(s) designated to receive scholarship.

    Please contact Women’s Director, Lisette Espinosa, if you have additional questions.

  5. Women’s Fall Study




    “Don’t Worry, Be Happy!” Easy to sing, difficult to live out. Everyday we receive bad news, either thru media, or personal circumstances. In a world obsessed with negativity, how do we remain steady in our faith? How do we gain the inner peace that vanquishes our worries? 

    Join the investigation! “No Worries, Learning to Trust our Sovereign God”
    by Silvious & Gillaspie 
    September 1 – October 27 9:30 – 11:30am, Upstairs Classrooms.
    Childcare available by reservation until classrooms are full.
    Sign up early!
    Questions? Email Aubrey at johnson_ah@yahoo.com
    Sign Up by filling out the form below, scroll to the bottom and click “Sign Up”.
  6. Women’s Retreat registration is OPEN

    Ladies! Are you ready to get away, relax and enjoy FALL? Are you ready to make new friends? To draw closer to the Lord? To celebrate the strengths He has gifted you with? To build each other up? To pray and be covered in His love? To eat chocolate and dance the night away? Then join us at the women’s retreat !! We will gather October 16-18 in Round Top Texas for a weekend of bliss.

    The cost is $150 and includes all meals, lodging and sessions. You can register online HERE. Or see Marty St Onge in the lobby on Sunday to do an in person, paper registration.

    Would you like to pay online? Pay here to COMPLETE your registration. (Don’t forget! You must register with all your fancy details either online or in person so we have you a room)

    You can also pay in the offering box – make sure to label your payment with your name and women’s retreat.

    A wee bit of the schedule:

    Friday Night: Soup, Praise starts at 6:30, intro session, Strength Speed Dating – get to know other people and laugh!

    Saturday: Praise, Strength Finders sessions, chocolate hour, personalized prayer, art with Audrey Lopata, catered dinner, salad bar lunch, dance night!

    Sunday: Praise, Communion, Reflections time – leave by noon!

    Have any additional questions? Email our Women’s Ministry Director, Wendy Dooldeniya at foodchic@gmail.com