Community Updates

Hope community happenings.

  1. Sherwins Visit America

    Help welcome the Sherwins home! Michael and Allison Sherwin will be visiting their home church next week, Hope Chapel, and we would love to welcome them with good food and great company. They are serving with All Nations Cape Town, which takes Michael around Africa and Asia training and equipping leaders, while Allison leads local church planting efforts in Southern Africa.

    Please come to a lunch following Hope’s morning service on November 20 to hear encouraging stories about what God is doing around the world. Lunch and discussion will be held in a home near Hope, so please RSVP (if possible).

    Sunday, November 20


    1407 Brentwood St.

  2. Waldrip Exhibit Now On Display

    Currently up on our sanctuary gallery walls and placed around the building is a 2-D and 3-D exhibit by Marian Waldrip.

    Marian’s profile from her website:

    “Marian Waldrip is an artist, painter, and sculptor whose art shows her unique gifts of insight and power. Insight into the human soul, spirit, and power to forcefully and keenly portray them. Classically trained, and highly knowledgeable in anatomy, she works in both 2D and 3D.”

    “Marian has studied sculpture and art history under Stanley Marcus at the University of Texas at Permian Basin and figure drawing under Dr. Vincent Mariani at the University of Texas at Austin as well as special studies in sculpture at the Elizabet Ney Conservatory in Austin, Texas.”

    Marian’s work effects the viewer on profound and immediate levels, leaving the viewer with a resonating sense of presence lasting long after encounter.

  3. Firesides Begin in October!

    October is the kick-off month for our in-home Firesides! We have locations all around Austin throughout the month so I encourage you to find at least one to attend. You are welcome to attend as many as you’d like!

    Each one-hour Fireside has a local topic and an overseas topic, with specific Scriptures for each. It will be a great time of encountering God’s heart for His people around the world, through His word. I anticipate some encouraging words from the Lord, and some deeper connections with each other and those for whom we pray.

    October Fireside times and contact info:

    Tuesday, 11th, 7:45 PM – Michel’s home 78723

    Thursday, 13th, 7:30 PM – Raines’ home 78759 • text 512.773.3307

    Friday, 14th, 7:00 PM (2 hour Fireside) – Crowley home 78681

    Friday 14th, 7:15 PM – Dorman’s home 78738

    Thursday, 20th, 7:00 PM – Hildebrandt’s home 78753 • call or text 512-680-3916

    Friday, 21st, 7:00 PM – Johnston’s home  78759

    Tuesday, 25th, 7:30 PM – Umstattd’s home  78759

    Please visit The City if you’d like physical address locations.

    Thank you for participating in extending God’s kingdom through prayer and worship! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me,
  4. Current Gallery Exhibit: “Intercession : Şefaat”

    Sunday, September 11, will debut the new Sanctuary Gallery exhibit: “Intercession : Şefaat”.

    In a collaborative effort the Hope Chapel Arts Ministry has partnered with the recent Short-Term Turkey Mission Team to produce an exhibit aimed at drawing our congregational body together in unified and ongoing prayer for our Turkey Mission.

    The show will feature photography by Whitney Crowley, with a newly painted art wall by Micheal Wall. Our newly instated Gallery Manager, Courtney Daniel, has also brought her renowned art cards to the exhibit. Those cards will be found available around the foyer and sanctuary, and they make great prayer reminders and bookmarks.

    The Gallery Manager and Short Term Team would like to recognize the supportive labor of Ceci Proeger, our newly appointed Missions Director, in her enthusiasm for and assistance in hanging the show. Likewise, thanks go out to our Studio Manager, Tildon Humphries, who also has brought his labor and invaluable insights to the hanging efforts.

    Our featured photographer Whitney Crowley’s artist statement is included below, and may be found posted up in the Gallery.

    Whitney Crowley
    Artist Statement

    Intercession : Şefaat

    If a photo is worth a 1000 words, then apparently there’s a lot to be said. I enjoy taking photos and am surprised if I can capture just a tiny amount of the beauty of God’s creation with them. It’s intriguing to me to see color, shading, shape, form, and texture with photos.
    Initially my love of photography began with a point and shoot 35 mm I had in high school. Love of photographs is an untold passion of mine – I just LOVE to take pictures! There’s a thrill that exists in seeing what you experienced after the fact.

    My intent in this collection is to share with the viewer scenes from Turkey in the
    summer of 2016. My largest hope and desire is that these images would inspire
    the viewer to intercede on behalf of the Turks and workers in this land. If these
    photos bring joy then may they also trigger rejoicing to our Creator. Whatever the emotion or thought invoked by these images, may they draw you into intercession.

    I’m the only daughter of Rita and Richard and have both an older and a younger brother (Rick and Alan). I serve the Lord by ministering on the Hope Chapel worship team, being on the Board of Directors at Hope Chapel, teaching musical worship at N2Worship, and teaching band at Murchison Middle School.

    Whitney Crowley

  5. Women’s Fall Study




    “Don’t Worry, Be Happy!” Easy to sing, difficult to live out. Everyday we receive bad news, either thru media, or personal circumstances. In a world obsessed with negativity, how do we remain steady in our faith? How do we gain the inner peace that vanquishes our worries? 

    Join the investigation! “No Worries, Learning to Trust our Sovereign God”
    by Silvious & Gillaspie 
    September 1 – October 27 9:30 – 11:30am, Upstairs Classrooms.
    Childcare available by reservation until classrooms are full.
    Sign up early!
    Questions? Email Aubrey at
    Sign Up by filling out the form below, scroll to the bottom and click “Sign Up”.

    Ladies' Books & Breakfast

  6. Sanctuary Exhibit : “The Tree and the Forest”

    A new exhibit opens soon in our sanctuary gallery: Sharyn Richey’s “The Tree and the Forest.”

    In the artist’s words:”Basically it expresses the subconscious need to find meaning (tree) amidst the noise, confusion and fear (forest) of our contemporary world. By using various mediums my working process reflects and symbolizes a search for pathways out of the wilderness and toward new insights and hope.”

    “After years as a parish priest I retired so that I could return to my first calling as an artist. I began my studies in art at the University of Texas and credit professors John Guerin and Loren Mozley with encouraging me into painting. I feel that my time as a priest has given my work greater depth because it now carries an appreciation for the strength of the human spirit in the face of great challenges.”

    A complete artist profile can be accessed on her website,