Updates from the Women's Ministry.
Fostering Hope presents its annual conference:presents its annual conference:
A Future and A Hope
March 1, 2025 9a-3:30p
Hill Country Bible Church
12124 Ranch Road 620 North
Austin, Tx 78750
This year’s theme is “Known.” Session topics include fostercare, adoption, strengthening families, caring for families in your congregation and much more! $30 to attend covers lunch and childcare if needed. Register here.
Go to Hope Chapel and plan to attend? Let Mandy Ryniker know, Director of Family and Adopt Ministries.
Join the Women of Hope for Thursday breakfast and Esther, a study by Kelly Minter:
A beautiful queen, her courageous cousin, a foreign land, and a murderous adversary—the book of Esther has all the elements of an epic drama. Join us for this 7-session study, where we will look at the daring faith modeled by Esther and her cousin Mordecai—a faith developed over time, rooted in the goodness of God, lived out through extraordinary circumstances, and used to change the world. Although our time looks different from Esther’s, our God is just as active and faithful today, and He has called you for such a time as this.
Dates: Thursdays, February 6th – March 27th (Not meeting March 20th for Spring Break)
Time: 9:30-11:30am
Location: Upstairs Den, Hope Chapel
Childcare for 5th grade and under available until full
Hope Chapel’s childcare workers and Sunday School volunteers are invited to learn tools for new and better ways to interact with all of our Hope kids in the spirit of TBRI and relational connection. This is one of our two manditory trainings for paid childcare workers so please plan to join us for dinner and training on January 8, 2025.
Contact Joelene to let her know you’ll be attending.
Dear Mamas,
We’re convinced that moms are some of the most powerful creatures on the planet. What is the word people use to define powerful things? It is ‘the mother’… the mother of all storms, the mother of all traffic, the mother lode. To be a mother is to be a force of nature, but that doesn’t mean it should be done alone.
Start your new year with a new commitment to a new era of Mom Community. We’re saving a seat for you.
Register for the spring 2025 semester today.
Psalm 68:6 “God puts the lonely in families…”
God is writing stories of redemption through families at Hope and in Austin. Come hear testimonies of how God is on the move through foster care and adoptive work to both restore families and save souls.
In our season of Advent Hope FAM invites you on Wednesday, December 4th from 6-7:30pm to join us for dinner and testimonies at Hope Chapel and be encouraged that our God is still redeeming people for His Glory and their good.
Childcare provided for 5th grade and under…
RSVP on Realm or contact Mandy Ryniker aryniker@gmail.com
Watch recent sermons on our YouTube channel.
An archive of past sermons is available on Blubrry.