Hope community happenings.
Dear Parents,
The HopeKids ministry is happy to be able to provide classes for kids of all ages on Sunday mornings! Currently our HopeKids classes start at 10am and includes age-appropriate worship for all ages. Here’s what to expect this Sunday.
When you arrive, a greeter will escort you to the coffee shop. There you will find the HopeKids kiosk and check in station. One of our friendly volunteers will be glad to get your kids registered and checked in for the morning.
Feel free to accompany your children to class and then participate in the adult worship service. Pick your kids up from their classroom when the service ends.
We look forward to meeting you and your kids this Sunday at Hope Chapel!
Smartphones! Social media! ChatGPT! Is technology taking over our lives and households?! Join us for a seminar on “The Life We’re Looking For” on Saturday, September 23 from 9am–noon in the Family Room. We’ll learn about living flourishing lives the way God designed. What does it look like to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength today? Come and see.
Sign up on Realm here. Cost: $15/person, $25/couple to attend. Childcare is provided for children 5th grade and younger! Please include your needs when you register.
Breakfast will be served at 8:30am so we can start promptly at 9am.
Email Evan Ott for questions at evan@hope.org.
All are welcome to the Family Room after service on Aug 13 to enjoy our friends visiting from overseas. Please join us for lunch and to hear some great stories, challenging circumstances, and prayer requests.
RSVP’s strongly encouraged.
Wednesday July 26th at 6pm (Family Night time) Hope Chapel will have a family meal/cook off (friendly) competition in the Family Room!
All Mothers of Preschoolers are cordially invited to join Mops@Hope this fall as we learn to SAY YES to God, joy, and even challenging situations. We’ll also build friendships, support each other, and learn new skills along the way.
MOPS meets on the second and fourth Monday of the month. We share breakfast and conversations about the things that truly make for a good life. After all, better moms make a better world.
Oh- and there’s a program for your preschool kids also!
Registration is open now.
Contact corinne.forrester@ gmail.com with questions.
Watch recent sermons on our YouTube channel.
An archive of past sermons is available on Blubrry.