Community Updates

Hope community happenings.

  1. Scripture Together Bible Class

    Starting Tuesday June 23rd, a Bible reading class called Scripture Together will meet 7-8PM upstairs in the Den. The first book will be the Gospel According to Mark. See promo video below.

  2. Tonight, Friday, January 12th at 7:00 PM – the Audrey Lopata Illustrated Gospel of John Gallery Exhibit and Reception

    Audrey’s work is amazing. Her illustration of the Word being made flesh as the Holy Spirit overshadows Mary is wonder personified.

    For the past 80 some odd days, our illumining artist, Audrey Lopata, has undertaken illustrating the Gospel of John.

    Come tonight from 7-9:00 PM as Audrey hosts an exclusive gallery-style exhibit at Hope. As she puts it, “For the opening ceremonies I will probably say a few words on what possessed me to do such a thing, and reflect on the experience, and then faint, cause, ya know…public speaking :/”

    “The evening is expected to be a rare intersection of our broader community life, worship, art, and joy in the Holy Spirit for all persons alike. Other inducements for attendance include a magazine/booklet with the complete collection of illustrations for perusal and possible purchase,” says Kevin Daniel, HopeArts’ intern.

    And, of course, receptions always have food so come mill about and discuss!

  3. Sermon Text on Geno’s Blog

    Dearly Beloved, as promised I have published the text of my sermon from this past Sunday (5/17/15) on my blog.  You can get there by clicking on this link:

  4. Powerful Testimony

    Dearly Beloved, I just posted the powerful testimony of a former Hope Chapel participant.  You can find her story on my blog here.  She tells how sharing about her same-sex attraction in the church led to isolation and deep despair.  Jesus is bringing healing.  But her story echoes a major theme of Sunday’s sermon–we must be able to talk about this subject among ourselves and embrace those who struggle with this orientation.  –geno

  5. Look for the New Art Exhibit This Sunday

    Imagine Art is a local ministry serving artists with disabilities for the glory of God. Our studio complex offers space, supplies and the support of an artistic community that empowers artists to create, exhibit and sell their works. At Imagine Art every life is a work of art!
    All Things New
    Revelation 21:5, “He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!’ ”
    All Things New exemplifies transformation or the movement from old to new. It celebrates new life and the spirit, mental and physical renewal of the artists in our community.

    The Bible teaches that “anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old is gone; a new life has begun!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). Through this and other teachings, we at Imagine Art understand that in order to make room for new life, the old one must first disappear. The loss of the old makes plenty of room for the new. It allows for the renewal of our mind, and makes space for the joys of life, love, and beauty to enter through everyday experiences.

  6. n2Worship Coming This Summer – Two Camps This Year

    Great news: 2 camps this year!

    One-week camp at Hope in the City
    June 22nd-26th, Monday-Friday:
    Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12 Noon
    For Kindergarten to 9 year-olds: $75
    For ages 10-adult: $150

    Two-week camp at Hope Chapel 
    July 13-24th, Monday-Friday:
    Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12 Noon for beginners or lesser experienced
    Time: 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. for more advanced students
    Age: students must be at least 10 years old
    $275 until June 23rd, $300 after June 23rd

    Both camps offer instrumental and vocal lessons and opportunity to play in a band setting. The two-week camp will also offer song-writing, recording and leadership mentoring for the more advanced students.

    For more info and registration, or email Jack Dorman at with questions. Come and grow your skills and heart to worship our great God!