Community Updates

Hope community happenings.

  1. More Resources for Dealing with Depression

    Dearly Beloved,

    On my personal blog I have posted a fantastic note I recently received from Adrienne Kiesel on the topic of finding relief from depression.  What makes this most helpful is that she opens her journey to all of us and humbly tells us where she has found help.  This is exactly what the Apostle Paul means when he writes 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, “Blessed by the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” (ESV)

    I strongly urge you to take a look at Adrienne’s post.  You can find it here.  –geno

  2. Resources for Dealing with Depression

    In a recent blog post I published links to a number of resources that I found very helpful in my journey to attempt to understand the difficulty of dealing with anxiety and depression experienced by many in my own personal space as well as at Hope Chapel.  You can access that blog post here.

    May God’s peace keep us all,


  3. Friday Night Worship

    Friday, January 29th, 7 – 8:30 pm

    Join us this Friday night to worship God and seek His face.

    Would you pray with us for this gathering?  Geno has asked that we fast breakfast and lunch on Friday, then eat supper so that we can worship the Lord together with strength and gusto!

    Even if you are unable to fast, we invite you to come and worship!

    We will worship together and will also pray for specific ministries as the Lord leads.

    See you then!!



  4. Aubrey’s Prayer

    On Sunday, January 17, Matt Ryniker spoke on the spiritual rot the so often creeps into our souls.  He taught us that the only true help for this malaise is to turn to God and seek Him.  This is easier said than done because we are feeling very estranged from God and unable to go to Him in prayer.

    So Matt decided to help us by asking several Hope Chapel congregants to offer prayers on our behalf.  Aubrey Johnson began that portion of our service with a very beautiful and substantive prayer which she had crafted prior to the sermon.  I thought the prayer was very wonderful.  Aubrey has given permission to publish her prayer.

    You can find it on my personal blog here.




  5. Sign Up Now to Work Our Waterstop for the Austin Marathon

    The Austin Marathon is coming to Hope Chapel Sunday, February 14th and we are an official water stop for our 5th year in a row! So we won’t have a Sunday service that day but cheer the runners on instead. We’ll be in front of Journey Church again, as well as, in front of Hope Chapel.

     To sign up now, fill out the online form…NOTE: You must click “Click to expand shifts” and select Aid Station #14 – Hope Chapel then “I’m done choosing shifts” before scrolling down to ‘sign’ and submit the form. Questions? Contact Suzi Raines.

  6. Donate Now to Get Matching Funds to Repair The Children’s Wing

    As one of the twenty-six official water-stop charities for the Austin Marathon, we’ve been invited to use their online giving platform for fundraising. Every dollar raised is matched by the Moody Foundation up to $10,000!

    On Memorial Day weekend in 2015, our children’s wing received massive flood damage so we’re raising money for the repairs. Will you help us raise funds to restore our classrooms to beautiful places of learning and play? Give here to get matching funds. You can also donate through Hope Chapel by marking the funds for the Children’s Wing Repair.

    Raise The $10,000 to See Heroes of Hope Do the Ridiculous 

    Ultimate Trainers Cosmo & Suzi Raines will put the Heroes of Hope (staff members: Geno Hildebrandt, Matt Ryniker, Hala Tompkins, & Mary Jo Rekedal) through the most ridiculous and entertaining workout of their lives in front of a live audience (and we’ll post a recording on social media)! NOT to be missed!

    Invite your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, dog-sitters, and strangers off the street to donate. Share it on your social media networks. Shout it from the rooftops!