Women of Hope

Updates from the Women's Ministry.

  1. Women’s Fall Study




    “Don’t Worry, Be Happy!” Easy to sing, difficult to live out. Everyday we receive bad news, either thru media, or personal circumstances. In a world obsessed with negativity, how do we remain steady in our faith? How do we gain the inner peace that vanquishes our worries? 

    Join the investigation! “No Worries, Learning to Trust our Sovereign God”
    by Silvious & Gillaspie 
    September 1 – October 27 9:30 – 11:30am, Upstairs Classrooms.
    Childcare available by reservation until classrooms are full.
    Sign up early!
    Questions? Email Aubrey at johnson_ah@yahoo.com
    Sign Up by filling out the form below, scroll to the bottom and click “Sign Up”.
  2. 42% to Go – We’re Over 1/2 Way There – Update on Repairing Hope (Post-Flood Repair and Remodeling)

    Hope Chapel Building Fund

    Thank you for your generosity, Hope Chapel!

    One month to raise pledges for the rest of the $101.565. We are already at $148,435 pledged of the $250,000 goal. That means only 42% more to go.  

    Still haven’t pledged and want to?

    You can still pledge by September 1st to complete the $250,000 goal, click here. You can also forward this link to your friends or former Hopites: http://hope.org/repair/

    Want to fulfill your pledge now?

    If you want to send in the amount you’ve pledged, there’s no reason to wait. You can use your Giving account on The City to complete your pledge. Under “Fund,” choose “Bldg Fund Gen” and in the Memo below, note that you are completing your pledge for Repairing Hope. If you don’t have an account on The City yet, contact Suzi Raines or Cathy Tucek for an invitation.


  3. Finding Joseph?

    This summer, I invite all of you to take my Old Testament Studies & Reliability of the Bible class. All classes will be virtual and usually around 5 minutes or less. This is video #10. I will put all of the videos on a YouTube playlist so you can easily find previous videos when you want to catch up.


  4. Finding Joseph’s Pharaoh

    This summer, I invite all of you to take my Old Testament Studies & Reliability of the Bible class. All classes will be virtual and usually around 5 minutes or less. This is video #9. I will put all of the videos on a YouTube playlist so you can easily find previous videos when you want to catch up.


  5. World Welcome Furniture Give-Away on August 13th 

    The World Is at Our Fingertips:

    Every other year, we welcome international students at UT in a very practical way by making available free furniture and household items. We focus on the graduate students who come from overseas with nothing but their suitcases.  They don’t go into the dorms on campus, but rather apartment housing that is either lightly furnished or unfurnished.  Of course, it is open to all the international students!  


    We Need Your Donated Items

    Bring your donated items! These can be gently used chairs, tables, bed frames (no mattresses, please), drawers, lamps, desks and bookshelves. Also we need household goods: lamps, plates, pots and pans, cups, coffee makers, toasters, irons, towels, dish towels, sheets and pillow cases, etc.

    DROP OFF:  Saturday, August 6th – furniture/household items can be brought into the Family Room.

    SET UP THE GIVEAWAY:  Friday, August 12th from 6-8:00 p.m.  

    HELP HOST THE GIVEAWAY: Saturday, August 13th from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm. Can you collect, deliver and/or help out on the day of the event?  There are lots of places to help, even if you aren’t able to lift!


    Volunteer English Conversation Partners (no teaching experience necessary) needed for the Fall Semester. Students sign up at the Furniture Give-Away.

    FRIENDSHIP FAMILY (as a single or a family or a small group)

    Many students who will come for the Furniture Give Away will want to connect with us for friendship, experiencing out USA culture, and a chance to hang out for a meal or holiday (to see what it’s like to celebrate Christmas or Thanksgiving).


    Volunteer today!

    Talk with Nance at a Sunday service, or email her, Nance Friedman, or call evenings: 512.888.2629.


  6. The Patriarchs: Indirect Evidence

    This summer, I invite all of you to take my Old Testament Studies & Reliability of the Bible class. All classes will be virtual and usually around 5 minutes or less. This is video #8. I will put all of the videos on a YouTube playlist so you can easily find previous videos when you want to catch up.

