It’s been 40 years since Debbie Dorman began leading worship at Hope Chapel and she’s retiring! Though she’ll always be a worshiper, she’s moving into a season of fewer responsibilities at Hope. And we’re having a party for her on Saturday, April 21st to show her how much we appreciate all she’s done these 4 decades – the life of Hope Chapel.
Deb has said, “Please don’t make it all about me.” We are doing it anyway!
Join in first for for a reception and then a celebration.
Reception: 4-5:30 p.m.
Faith Lutheran is kindly sharing their fellowship hall with us (6600 Woodrow Ave, 78757). We’ll start here then move down the street for the celebration.
Gala Celebration: 6-7:30 p.m.
Hope’s auditorium/sanctuary (6701 Arroyo Seco 78757). You’re welcome to hang around the Gala ends and visit.
Debbie Dorman at Hope Chapel
More than any one person at Hope, Deb has led us into worship week after week, month after month, year after year, showing us how to seek the Father’s face. She has led us deeper in pursuit of worshiping God. And in the background, she has mentored worship leaders, written songs, led multiple worship teams, directed choirs, overseen young worship students, called out excellence in musicians, joined with other churches in writing music, protected the body by choosing scriptural worship songs, done the nitty-gritty administrative work, and above all else, never stopped being a worshiper herself. Together with her husband, Jack, they have Sunday after Sunday cried out to God, humbly, honestly, and passionately while encouraging us to do the same.
Come celebrate the gift Debbie is and has been to Hope Chapel!
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