Community Updates

Hope community happenings.

  1. Betsy Cruz Book Release Reception Sunday, March 24th

    Sunday, March 24th 12:30-2:30 PM in the Family Room

    More of God: A Distracted Woman’s Guide to More Meaningful Quiet Times by our own Betsy de Cruz is now available on Amazon in paperback and for Kindle!

    Come to a reception in the Family Room, immediately after the 10:00 a.m. service and celebrate with us! Paperback copies will be available for purchase. Refreshments provided.

  2. Seek God for the City 2019 Begins March 6th

    40 days of prayer for the City from  Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday, March 6-April 14

    Prayer Guides are available in the Hope Chapel foyer and coffee shop area (suggested donation $1) — or download the app (only .99¢) which contains all the material of the printed booklet — and lots of extras! Available for Apple, Android and Kindle Fire phones and tablets. For more information visit the Waymakers website.

    Prayers that anchor your hope in God.

    Seek God for the City is designed to mobilize many to pray with united, sustained vision for people of your community. The daily prayers are all new and different from last year’s prayer guide. The scriptures and topics help God’s people pray with passionate, full-hearted hope. This timely guide helps us pray beyond ourselves with confidence and clarity.

  3. Register for the Women’s Retreat Today

    Women of Hope Retreat 2019, February 22 – 24th @ Jordan Ranch

    Why Retreat? We are glad you asked! Retreat is not just a time to get a way, but it is also a time to grow together and in our relationship with God. It is for the focused single lady pursuing her career, the widow who needs to connect with friends, the grandmother who has so much she wants to share, the married woman without kids who just wants to take off her hills and relax. The college student drowned in midterms who needs to recharge, and yes even for the busy and tired momma. Every year we have the opportunity to leave our regular routines, kick up our feet, make new friends, catch up with old ones, and hear more about Gods heart for his daughters.

    Come join us for a weekend of fun, authenticity, and growth. We’d like to encourage you to bring a friend who has never attended retreat. With only 73 onsite spots they will fill up quickly. Reserve yours and a friends today with a $50 deposit.


    Thanks to Men of Hope for hosting their retreat at Jordan Ranch, we received $20 off per registrant. Cost is $165, pay on REALM and we’ll take another $5 off, making your cost $160.


    For more information contact:

    Laurel at for Payment, Scholarship, or Donation inquiries.

    Sara at for Registration questions

    Don’t forget to register on REALM and receive an extra $5 off!

    For more information regarding Women of Hope contact Lisette at
  4. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service from 5-6:00 PM

    Come as you are: dressed for photos in front of the tree or with the kids in pajamas. Begin a tradition with us Christmas Eve at 5:00 PM.  Bring your family and friends to sing the carols and hear the story once again of when Hope came as a human and lived among us.

    Then stand in the darkness as the first candle is lit and see it slowly spread across the room, candle to candle. Until at last, enveloped in the glow, we remember when The Light came into the world and pierced the darkness.

  5. Outreach Book Is Here!

    Hope Chapel,

    Our outreach book Reset is finally here. Thank you to everyone who participated in giving testimonies and to those who have prayed for this project. We have two more phases to go!

    1. I want you to take a copy home and read it. Then please ask God who would be a good person to share the book with. Don’t be afraid to give up your copy. I can always order another box of 50 if you want to reread it. Remember, this is a tool to help people far from God come close by coming to know Him. We need to ask Him for fruitfulness, wisdom and grace throughout this whole endeavor.
    2. The last phase is where we have the opportunity to sponsor books being sent directly to homes in the Hope Chapel neighborhood. It’s going to come across as “hey, we published this book and we’re proud of how it turned out. Since you’re a neighbor, we wanted you to have a free publisher’s copy.” It’s not weird at all and has -traditionally- had a high readership rate. The goal is to reach the unreached in our midst. If you want to fill out a sponsorship card to help me with this part, let me know. Or, if you just want to help by donating a small amount to the Outreach Book account to help cover the costs from publishing the book, you can do that as well.

    Thanks! And please keep praying for God’s grace to draw people to Him.


  6. International Reception- Dec 9

    We are thrilled to have three of our visiting overseas workers with us on Sunday, December 9, at Hope Chapel. We will host a luncheon after service, inside the sanctuary, to hear briefly from them and have an open time of questions and answers. Please join us for lunch, and to bless our friends with prayer! RSVP on Realm by Dec 6, or email