Community Updates

Hope community happenings.

  1. Prayer Nights

    Come to the Hope Chapel playground for corporate prayer and worship. We will enjoy each other at a safe distance while seeking the Lord and His will. Three Wednesday evenings in August, so bring your water bottle and personal mister.

    Wednesday nights, August 12th, 19th, and 26th from 7-8:30.

  2. Lyrics for Worship on the Lawn 7/26

    Each Day

    Each day…I grow a little nearer, Each day…He seems a little dearer

    Each day…I grow a little nearer to the Lord

    Each day…my path gets brighter, Each day…my load gets lighter

    Each day…I grow a little nearer to the Lord

    While on this pilgrim’s journey a servant I will be

    Oh each day (each day) I grow a little nearer to Thee

    My friends talk about me but that don’t bother me
    Because each day (Each day) I grow a little nearer to the Lord

    You know when trouble overtakes me, Right by my side He’ll be
    Yes, each day (each day) I grow a little nearer to Thee

    Yes, I know he’s water when I’m thirsty
    A shelter, Lord, for me, And each day (each day) I grow a little nearer to the Lord


    Waiting Here For You

    If faith can move the mountains, let the mountains move

    We come with expectation, waiting here for You, Waiting here for You

    You’re the Lord of all Creation, and still you know my heart

    The Author of salvation, You’ve loved me from the start

    Waiting here for You, with our hands lifted high in praise

    And it’s You, we adore, singing Alleluia

    You are everything You’ve promised, Your faithfulness is true

    We’re desperate for Your presence, All we need is You


    Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

    ‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His word.

    Just to rest upon His promise, just to know “Thus saith  the  Lord.”

    Jesus, Jesus,  how I trust Him!  How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er!

    Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!  O for grace to trust  Him more!

    how sweet to trust in Jesus, just to trust His cleansing blood.

    Just in simple faith to plunge me, ‘neath the healing, cleansing flood!

    Yes, ’tis sweet to trust in Jesus, just from sin and self to cease,

    Just from Jesus simply taking, life and rest and joy and peace.

    I’m so glad I learned to trust Him, precious Jesus, Savior, Friend.

    And I know that He is with me, will be with me to the end.


    God is So Good

    God is so good, God is so good, God is so good, He’s so good to me

    He answers prayer, (Hallelujah)…He’s so good to me!

    I praise His name, (Hallelujah)…He’s so good to me!

    The answer’s not to force a moral story, The answer’s not to bring back days of old

    The answer is the King in all His glory, Come and take your throne

    When times times are strange and righteousness seems complicated

    When lies and truth are said to be more integrated

    The Holy Ghost time after time has demonstrated, Jesus is alive


    You Reign Above It All

    The reign of darkness now has ended, In the kingdom of light, In the kingdom of light
    Forever under Your dominion, You’re the King of my life, You’re the King of my life

    You reign above it all, You reign above it all, Over the universe
    And over every heart, There is no higher name, Jesus You reign above it all

    On the cross the work was finished, God You poured out Your life, Just to give us new life
    Now from the lips of the forgiven, Hear an anthem arise, ‘Cause Jesus You’re alive

    Let all of heaven and the earth erupt in song, Sing hallelujah to the Everlasting One
    There is no higher name, Jesus You reign above it all, You reign above it all

    You sent the darkness running, Out of an empty grave
    Now seated alone in glory, Enthroned on the highest praise (4X)


    Goodness of God

    I love You Lord, Oh Your mercy never fails me, All my days, I’ve been held in Your hands
    From the moment that I wake up, Until I lay my head, I will sing of the goodness of God

    All my life You have been faithful, All my life You have been so, so good
    With every breath that I am able, I will sing of the goodness of God

    I love Your voice, You have led me through the fire, In darkest nights

    You are close like no other, I’ve known You as a father

    I’ve known You as a friend, I have lived in the goodness of God

    Your goodness is running after, it’s running after me (2X)

    With my life laid down, I’m surrendered now, I give You everything

    Your goodness is running after, it’s running after me

  3. Lyrics for Worship on the Lawn 7/19

    Hosanna (Praise is Rising)

    Praise is rising, eyes are turning to You, we turn to You
    Hope is stirring, hearts are yearning for You, we long for You
    ‘Cause when we see You, we find strength to face the day
    In Your Presence all our fears are washed away, washed away

    Hosanna, hosanna, You are the God Who saves us, worthy of all our praises
    Hosanna, hosanna, Come have Your way among us
    We welcome You here, Lord Jesus

    Hear the sound of hearts returning to You, we turn to You
    In Your Kingdom broken lives are made new, You make us new
    ‘Cause when we see You, we find strength to face the day
    In Your Presence all our fears are washed away, washed away

    Hosanna, hosanna, You are the God Who saves us, worthy of all our praises
    Hosanna, hosanna, Come have Your way among us, We welcome You here, Lord Jesus

    ‘Cause when we see You, we find strength to face the day
    In Your Presence all our fears are washed away (2X)

    Hosanna, hosanna, You are the God Who saves us, worthy of all our praises
    Hosanna, hosanna, Come have Your way among us, We welcome You here, Lord Jesus


    Build My Life

    Worthy of every song we could ever sing, Worthy of all the praise we could ever bring
    Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe, We live for You

    Jesus, the Name above every other name, Jesus, the only One who could ever save
    Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe, We live for You, Oh, we live for You

    Holy, there is no one like You, There is none beside You, Open up my eyes in wonder
    And show me who You are, And fill me with Your heart

    And lead me in Your love to those around me

    And I will build my life upon Your love, It is a firm foundation
    I will put my trust in You alone, And I will not be shaken. (2X)


    Worthy Of It All

    All the saints and angels bow before Your throne
    All the elders cast their crowns before the Lamb of God and sing

    You are worthy of it all, You are worthy of it all
    For from You are all things, And to You are all things, You deserve the glory

    Day and night, night and day, let incense arise (4X)


    Costly Devotion

    I want to be poured out in costly devotion, I want to be perfume poured on your feet
    Holding back nothing, let me be an offering, Of costly devotion to Jesus my King

    What will I profit with riches untold, To gain the whole world, and lose my own soul
    So all that I am I lay at your feet, That my life will count for eternity

    For You gave Your Son, and He chose to die, An offering of love that purchased my life
    He poured out His blood redeeming my soul, Let Him be my prize Let Him be my goal

    No greater love than this can there be, The King of all kings dying for me
    In light of this gift I give everything, What else can I do? What less can I bring?


    Let Heaven Fall

    We’ve only scratched the surface, And only had just one glance
    We’ve tasted of Your glory, But there’s so much more

    We’re standing on horizons, Where earth collides with heaven
    You’re longing for Your children, To cry out for more, We cry out for more

    Let it echo from this city, To the nations, the sound of praise
    Let the windows of the heavens, Open wide and let it rain

    Here inside Your presence, Surrounded by Your Spirit
    We’re satisfied but desperate, For even more of You, even more of You

    Oh-oh, Let heaven fall, As we sing, Oh-oh, Let heaven fall, Let heaven fall (5X)

  4. Lyrics for Worship on the Lawn 7/12

    You Make Me Brave

    I stand before You now, The greatness of your renown

    I have heard of the majesty and wonder of you, King of Heaven, in humility, I bow

    As Your love, in wave after wave, Crashes over me, crashes over me
    For You are for us, You are not against us, Champion of Heaven

    You made a way for all to enter in, I have heard You calling my name
    I have heard the song of love that You sing, So I will let You draw me out beyond the shore
    Into Your grace, Your grace,

    As Your love, in wave after wave, Crashes over me, crashes over me,

    For You are for us, You are not against us, Champion of Heaven

    You made a way for all to enter into, Your love, in wave after wave

    Crashes over me, crashes over me
    For You are for us, You are not against us, Champion of Heaven


    The Steadfast Love of the Lord

    The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. Your mercies never come to an end;
    they are new every morning, new every morning:

    great is your faithfulness, O Lord, great is your faithfulness!


    Praise Before My Breakthrough

    I know the tension of the now, I don’t always understand, I don’t always get to see, Everything

    When I’m holding up my hands, When I’m counting every breath, Lord, all I need to know is
    You choose me, You choose me


    I’ll praise before my breakthrough, ‘Til my song becomes my triumph
    I will sing because I trust You, I will bring my heart, I will lift my song

    When I’m listening for Your voice, And I’m shutting out the noise,

    I know that You will speak, Clearly

    When I’m living out my faith, When I’m stepping on the sea, I know You take my hand
    And walk with me, Walk with me

    I’ll praise before my breakthrough
    ‘Til my song becomes my triumph
    I will sing because I trust You
    I will bring my heart, I will lift my song

    He who came in power, He will come again
    He who heals the sick, won’t He…


    Forever Amen

    I was made to love You, It’s all I really know for sure, All I am is wrapped up in You
    The center of my world, I was made to love You, From my beginning to my end
    You’ll be my forever, My forever amen

    I was made to love You, It’s all I really know for sure
    All I am is wrapped up in You, The center of my world, I was made…



    We are returning to the place we’ve always belonged, Right here, Take me back to the garden
    Lead me be back to moment I heard Your voice, Bring me back to communion
    Lead me back to the moment I saw Your face, And it was all so simple
    It was easy to love, No space between us, It was easy to trust

    You are closer, closer than my skin, You are in the air I’m breathing in
    Here’s where the dead things, Come back to living, I feel my heart beating again
    Feels so good to know You are my friend

    This is the garden, Here in the place I find you close,

    This is communion, Here in the place I’m fully known

    And it was all so simple, You’re so easy to love,

    And no space between us, You’re so easy to trust

    Cause You are closer, closer than my skin, And You are in the air I’m breathing in


    Come alive (dry bones)

    Through the eyes of men it seems there’s so much we have lost
    As we look down the road where all the prodigals have walked
    One by one the enemy has whispered lies, And led them off as slaves

    But we know that you are God yours is the victory

    We know there is more to come, That we may not yet see
    So with the faith you’ve given us, We’ll step into the valley unafraid, yeah

    As we call out to dry bones come alive, come alive
    We call out to dead hearts come alive, come alive

    Up out of the ashes let us see an army rise, We call out to dry bones, come alive

    God of endless mercy god of unrelenting love
    Rescue every daughter bring us back the wayward son
    And by your spirit breathe upon them show the world that you alone can save
    You alone can save, As we call out to dry bones…