Community Updates

Hope community happenings.

  1. Lyrics for Worship on the Lawn 11/1/20

    Build Your Kingdom Here

    Come set Your rule and reign, In our hearts again
    Increase in us we pray, Unveil why we’re made
    Come set our hearts ablaze with hope

    Like wildfire in our very souls, Holy Spirit come invade us now
    We are Your church, We need Your pow’r in us

    We seek Your kingdom first, We hunger and we thirst
    Refuse to waste our lives, For You’re our joy and prize
    To see the captives’ hearts released, The hurt the sick the poor at peace
    We lay down our lives for heaven’s cause
    We are Your church, We pray revive this earth

    Build Your kingdom here, Let the darkness fear
    Show Your mighty hand, Heal our streets and land
    Set Your church on fire, Win this nation back
    Change the atmosphere, Build Your kingdom here we pray

    Unleash Your kingdom’s pow’r, Reaching the near and far
    No force of hell can stop, Your beauty changing hearts
    You made us for much more than this, Awake the kingdom seed in us
    Fill us with the strength and love of Christ
    We are Your church, We are the hope on earth



    Great is the Lord God almighty, Great is the Lord on high
    The train of His robe fills the temple, And we cry out highest praise

    Glory to the risen King
    Glory to the Son
    Glorious Son

    Lift up your hands, Open the doors
    Let the King of glory come in, And forever be our God

    Holy is the Lord God almighty, Holy is the Lord on high
    Let all the earth bow before You and crown You Lord of all


    Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble

    Did you feel the mountains tremble, Did you hear the oceans roar
    When the people rose to sing of Jesus Christ the risen one

    Did you feel the people tremble, Did you hear the singers roar
    When the lost began to sing of Jesus Christ, the saving one

    And we can see that, God, You’re moving, A mighty river through the nations
    When young and old return to Jesus
    Fling wide, you heavenly gates, Prepare the way of the risen Lord

    Open up the doors and let the music play, Let the streets resound with singing
    Songs that bring Your hope, Songs that bring Your joy
    Dancers who dance upon injustice

    Do you feel the darkness tremble, When all the saints join in one song
    And all the streams flow as one river to wash away our brokenness

    And here we see that, God, You’re moving, A time of jubilee is coming
    When young and old return to Jesus
    Fling wide, you heavenly gates, Prepare the way of the risen Lord


    How Great Thou Art

    O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder, Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made
    I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed

    Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee
    How great Thou art, how great Thou art
    Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee
    How great Thou art, how great Thou art

    And when I think of God, His Son not sparing, Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in
    That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sin

    When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation,, And lead me home, what joy shall fill my heart
    Then I shall bow with humble adoration, And then proclaim, my God, how great Thou art


    You Hem Me In

    You hem me in, behind and before me
    You know me well, You’ve laid Your hand upon me
    Such knowledge is too great for me to comprehend, Your love surrounding me
    You hem me in

    Before my birth in my mother’s womb You formed me
    How precious and how vast Your thoughts about me
    No matter where I go I can’t escape Your love, Your love pursuing me,
    You hem me in

    Where can I go from your Spirit, How can I hide from your presence
    Where can I go from your Spirit, How can I hide from your presence

    I praise You for I’m fearfully and wonderfully made
    I praise You, my Creator, my Redeemer

    I praise You, for Your works, O God, are wonderful indeed
    I will proclaim Your love and faithfulness

  2. Lyrics for Worship on the Lawn 10/25/20

    Surely Goodness and Mercy

    You prepare a table before me, in the presence of my enemies
    You anoint my head with oil, and my cup, it overflows

    With love, peace, and joy (2x)

    Surely goodness and mercy will follow me
    All the days of my life, all the days of my life
    And I will dwell in the house of the Lord
    Forever, forever, forever, amen; Forever, forever, forever, amen


    Shout to the Lord

    My Jesus, my Savior, Lord, there is none like You
    All of my days I want to praise the wonders of Your mighty love.
    My comfort, my Shelter, Tower of refuge and strength
    Let ev’ry breath, all that I am, never cease to worship You

    Shout to the Lord all the earth let us sing, power and majesty, praise to the King
    Mountains bow down and the seas will roar, at the sound of Your name
    I sing for joy at the work of Your hands, forever I’ll love You, forever I’ll stand
    Nothing compares to the promise I have in You

    Nothing compares to the promise I have (x3) – In you


    Goodness of God

    I love You Lord, Oh, Your mercy never fails me
    All my days I’ve been held in Your hands
    From the moment that I wake up
    Until I lay my head, I will sing of the goodness of God

    All my life You have been faithful
    All my life You have been so, so good
    With every breath that I am able
    I will sing of the goodness of God

    I love Your voice
    You have led me through the fire, in darkest night
    You are close like no other
    I’ve known You as a father, I’ve known You as a friend
    I have lived in the goodness of God

    Your goodness is running after, it’s running after me (2X)
    With my life laid down
    I’m surrendered now
    I give You everything
    Your goodness is running after, it’s running after me


    Build My Life

    Worthy of ev’ry song we could ever sing
    Worthy of all the praise we could ever bring
    Worthy of ev’ry breath we could ever breathe
    We live for You

    Jesus, the name above ev’ry other name
    Jesus, the only one who could ever save
    Worthy of ev’ry breath we could ever breathe
    We live for You
    We live for You

    Holy, there is no one like You
    There is none beside You
    Open up my eyes in wonder and show me who You are
    And fill me with Your heart
    And lead me in Your love to those around me

    I will build my life upon Your love
    It is a firm foundation
    I will put my trust in You alone
    And I will not be shaken


    Worthy Of It All

    All the saints and angels
    They bow before Your throne
    All the elders cast their crowns
    Before the Lamb of God and sing

    You are worthy of it all
    You are worthy of it all
    For from You are all things
    And to You are all things
    You deserve the glory

    Singing oh oh oh oh oh

    Day and night, night and day let incense arise
    Day and night, night and day let incense arise
    Day and night, night and day let incense arise
    Day and night, night and day let incense arise

    Oh oh oh oh

  3. Lyrics for Worship on the Lawn 10/18/20

    The Steadfast Love

    The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
    His mercies never come to an end
    They are new every morning, new every morning
    Great is Thy faithfulness, oh Lord
    Great is Thy faithfulness


    Had It Not Been

    Had it not been the Lord who was on our side
    Had it not been the Lord who was on our side
    The anger of the enemy would have swallowed us alive
    Had it not been the Lord who was on our side.

    Had it not been the Lord who was on our side
    Had it not been the Lord who was on our side
    The waters would have engulfed us, we would have surely died
    Had it not been the Lord who was on our side.

    Blessed be the Lord who would not give us up
    Blessed be the Lord for His unfailing love
    The snare is broken and we have escaped
    Our help is in the name of the Lord. Blessed be the Lord!

    Break Every Chain

    There is power in the name of Jesus
    There is power in the name of Jesus
    There is power in the name of Jesus
    To break every chain, break every chain, break every chain

    There’s an army rising up
    There’s an army rising up
    There’s an army rising up
    To break every chain, break every chain, break every chain

    All sufficient sacrifice so freely given such a price
    For our redemption, Heaven’s gates swing wide

    To Our God

    Up from the ashes Your love has brought us
    Out of the darkness into the light
    Lifting our sorrows
    Bearing our burdens healing our hearts

    To our God we lift up one voice
    To our God we lift up one song
    To our God we lift up one voice
    Singing Hallelujah

    Chains have been broken eyes have been opened
    An army of dry bones is starting to rise
    Death is defeated
    We are victorious for You are alive

    We’ll make His praise glorious, glorious, glorious
    For His name is glorious, glorious, glorious
    Make His praise glorious, glorious, glorious
    Shout His name glorious, glorious, glorious

    What a Beautiful Name

    You were the Word at the beginning
    One with God the Lord Most High
    Your hidden glory in creation
    Now revealed in You our Christ

    What a beautiful name it is, What a beautiful name it is
    The name of Jesus Christ my King
    What a beautiful name it is
    Nothing compares to this
    What a beautiful name it is, The name of Jesus

    You didn’t want heaven without us
    So Jesus, You brought heaven down
    My sin was great, Your love was greater
    What could separate us now

    What a wonderful name it is, What a wonderful name it is
    The name of Jesus Christ my King
    What a wonderful name it is
    Nothing compares to this
    What a wonderful name it is, The name of Jesus 2X

    Death could not hold You
    The veil tore before You
    You silenced the boast of sin and grave
    The heavens are roaring
    The praise of Your glory
    For You are raised to life again
    You have no rival
    You have no equal
    Now and forever, God You reign
    Yours is the kingdom, Yours is the glory
    Yours is the name above all names

    What a powerful name it is, What a powerful name it is
    The name of Jesus Christ my King
    What a powerful name it is
    Nothing can stand against
    What a powerful name it is, The name of Jesus

  4. Lyrics for Worship on the Lawn 10/11/20

    Let the Name of the Lord Be Praised

    Let the name of the Lord be praised, Let the name of the Lord be praised
    Let the name of the Lord be praised, Right now

    Let the name of the Lord be praised, Let the name of the Lord be praised
    Right now and forevermore, Right now and forevermore

    From the rising of the sun
    To the place where it goes down
    The name of the Lord is to be praised 4X



    My hope is built on nothing less, Than Jesus blood and righteousness
    I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly trust in Jesus name

    Christ alone, Cornerstone
    Weak made strong in the Savior’s love
    Through the storm, He is Lord, Lord of all

    When darkness seems to hide His face, I rest on His unchanging grace
    In every high and stormy gale, My anchor holds within the veil 2X

    He is Lord, Lord of all

    When He shall come with trumpet sound, Oh may I then in Him be found
    Dressed in His righteousness alone, Faultless stand before the throne


    All Glory

    Holy, Holy, You are God Almighty
    And You reign victorious over all the earth
    Holy, Holy, You are God Almighty
    Yes, You reign victorious over all the earth

    Let Your Kingdom come, and Your will be done
    Here on earth as it is in heaven
    And to Your renown hear our hearts cry out
    Singing “Holy is the Lord”

    God of Glory see Your victory story
    In the lives of those who gather at the cross
    Rock of ages be adorned with praises
    As Your people raise their voice in thanks and love

    Let Your Kingdom come, and Your will be done
    Here on earth as it is in heaven
    And to Your renown hear our hearts cry out
    Singing “Holy is the Lord” 4X

    All Glory, all honor, all wisdom strength and power
    All Glory, all honor, are Yours alone forever


    Gracious Lord

    Your Grace has been my strength when I am weakest
    And when I’m wounded, Lord, Your grace heals all my brokenness
    When I’ve fallen down, I feel Your gentle, loving hand
    And I know it’s Your grace by which I stand

    Gracious Lord, God of all compassion
    You have poured Your kindness over me
    O my Lord, Jesus by Your mercy
    I bow down and worship at Your feet, gracious Lord

    The Beauty of Your presence overwhelms me
    You are clothed in power and reign in perfect purity
    All that I possess as an offering I raise
    To the Lamb and the praise of His glorious grace


    Good, Good Father

    I’ve heard a thousand stories of what they think You’re like
    But I’ve heard the tender whispers of love in the dead of night
    And you tell me that You’re pleased
    And that I’m never alone

    You’re a good good Father
    It’s who You are, it’s who You are, it’s who You are
    And I’m loved by You
    It’s who I am, it’s who I am, it’s who I am

    I’ve seen many searching for answers far and wide
    But I know we’re all searching
    For answers only You provide
    ‘Cause You know just what we need
    Before we say a word

    Because You are perfect in all of Your ways
    You are perfect in all of Your ways
    You are perfect in all of Your ways to us

    Love so undeniable
    I, I can hardly speak
    Peace so unexplainable
    I, I can hardly think
    As You call me deeper still
    As You call me deeper still
    As You call me deeper still
    Into love, love, love



  5. Lyrics for Worship on the Lawn 10/4/20

    Who You Say I Am

    Who am I that the highest King
    Would welcome me?
    I was lost but He brought me in
    Oh His love for me; Oh His love for me

    Who the Son sets free, Oh – is free indeed
    I’m a child of God; Yes I am

    Free at last
    He has ransomed me
    His grace runs deep
    While I was a slave to sin
    Jesus died for me; Yes He died for me

    Who the Son sets free, Oh – is free indeed
    I’m a child of God; Yes I am
    In my Father’s house
    There’s a place for me
    I’m a child of God; Yes I am

    I am chosen, Not forsaken
    I am who You say I am
    You are for me, Not against me
    I am who You say I am


    Sing Hallelujah to the Lord

    Sing hallelujah to the Lord (echo) x2
    Sing hallelujah x2
    Sing hallelujah to the Lord

    Jesus is Lord and King of all (echo) x2
    Jesus is Lord x2
    Jesus is Lord and King of all

    Jesus is coming back again (echo) x2
    Jesus is coming x2
    Jesus is coming back again


    Lord, Take Our Children

    Lord, take our children; Lord, give them freedom; Lord, send Your Spirit upon them (2X)
    Like arrows from a mighty warrior; like arrows flaming in the darkness
    Send Your Light into the night; may Jesus Christ be glorified,
    In our children, through our children


    The Heart of Worship

    When the music fades, All is stripped away
    And I simply come
    Longing just to bring, Something that’s of worth
    That will bless Your heart

    I’ll bring You more than a song
    For a song in itself, Is not what You have required
    You search much deeper within
    Through the way things appear, You’re looking into my heart

    I’m coming back to the heart of worship
    And it’s all about You, it’s all about You, Jesus
    I’m sorry, Lord, for the thing I’ve made it
    When it’s all about You, it’s all about You, Jesus

    King of endless worth, No one could express
    How much you deserve
    Though I’m weak and poor, All I have is Yours
    Every single breath!



    Seated above, enthroned in the Father’s love
    Destined to die, poured out for all mankind
    God’s only Son perfect and spotless One
    He never sinned, but suffered as if He did

    All authority, every victory is Yours x2

    Savior, worthy of honor and glory, worthy of all our praise, You overcame
    Jesus, awesome in power forever, awesome and great is Your Name, You overcame

    Power in hand, speaking the Father’s plan
    You’re sending us out, light in this broken land

    We will overcome by the blood of the Lamb
    and the word of our testimony, everyone overcome


    Nothing But the Blood

    Your blood speaks a better word
    Than all the empty claims I’ve heard upon this earth
    Speaks righteousness for me, And stands in my defense
    Jesus, it’s Your blood

    What can wash away our sins? What can make us whole again?
    Nothing but the blood, Nothing but the blood of Jesus
    What can wash us pure as snow, Welcomed as the friends of God?
    Nothing but Your blood; Nothing but Your blood, King Jesus

    Your Cross testifies in grace
    Tells of the Father’s heart to make a way for us
    Now boldly we approach, Not by earthly confidence
    It’s only Your blood

  6. How to Have Church Wherever You Are

    The world is rapidly changing and as followers of Jesus, we need to understand how to have church in a variety of different contexts. Come learn the easily reproducible scriptural model for being the body of Christ in various settings- whether in our building, at your home, or at your work.

    Join us for 4 Tuesdays, 6:30-8pm

    Oct 13, 20, 27 and Nov 3

    Taught by Mark and Ceci Proeger (with special guests)

    Location TBD