Community Updates

Hope community happenings.

  1. Men’s Retreat October 14-16

    Men of Hope Retreat • October 14-16th at Twin Lakes YMCA

    Body Building – Being and Building the Body of Christ

    Come focus this year on Body Building – Being and Building the Body of Christ with your brothers from Hope on retreat not far from home at the Twin Lakes YMCA Cedar Creek Camp. In I Corinthians 12:

    “For just as the body is one and has many members…If the foot should say, ‘Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,’…The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I have no need of you…’

    …But God has so composed the body…that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.”

    Unstructured time abounds: fellowship, sitting around the campfire, prayer, conversation, and time away to enjoy with brothers in Christ.

    And maybe mark some of them with a paintball.

    Camp runs from Friday 5PM to Sunday 11:30ish.
    Full: 5 meals and overnight stay – $120/per person
    No Lodging: Day Camp with meals – $70/per person
    No Meals or Lodging: Day Camp without meals: $35/per person

    Joe Friedman says, “We are also very happy to receive donations for scholarships. (Note: the fees for the retreat, though paid to Hope Chapel, are not tax deductible. However, gifts made for retreat scholarships are tax deductible).”

    Archery: no charge
    Paintball: $35 per person; minimum of 10 players required.

    You can RSVP for the retreat here. Have questions? Contact Joe Friedman.

  2. Family Night Starts September 14!

    What is Family Night? Hope Chapel hosts small groups and book studies on Wednesday evenings from 6-7:30 PM: everyone is welcome: single, married, with or without kids. For more info about groups that meet during family night – and groups that meet throughout the week – check out the Hope Groups page!


    Jr. High meets weekly on Wednesdays in the Lighthouse (1510 Ruth Ave.) They also meet 2nd & 4th Sunday mornings. Contact Wes for more info.


    If you have kids (5th grade and younger) you’d like to bring, please contact Hala to see if there is room.


    Eat before you come or bring your dinner and eat on the playground before groups start. No meal will be served at Family Night this semester.

  3. Friends of FAM All Inclusive Event

    Join us Oct 1 at Hope from 9am – 1:30pm  to support the foster families in our church and community.

    This event is open to anyone and includes CPR training, education on Trust Based Relational Intervention techniques for interacting with kids and a presentation from a local non-profit, Foster Village, doing great things in our community for foster families throughout Austin. This event will include lunch as well and childcare is available until full.

    Learn more details here: Friends of FAM Event 

    and register to join us on Realm

  4. Castros Visiting -Many Opportunities to Hear!

    The whole Castro family will be visiting us from around the world and have many stories to share about God’s movements. We’ll hear about how discipleship through business is transforming lives, how young people are receiving ministry through sports, and how the isolated villages in Bulgaria are responding to the Word.

    Please plan to join us for any or all of the following events:

    Aug 15- Dessert night

    Aug 19- ITN briefing

    Aug 21- Post-service reception

    Aug 23- Prayer and Worship

    RSVP on Realm or email

  5. Sunday School Helper Training on August 28

    All junior high and high school students who want to help in a HopeKids’ class on Sunday mornings are invited to join Mrs. Hala for a brief training session. We’ll discuss what makes a helper truly great, how to become a regular helper, and what opportunities are available for those who don’t want to actually be in a classroom.

    We will meet in the Lighthouse at 12:15 and be done by 1pm.

    RSVP to Mrs. Hala or just show up. All are welcome.

  6. Second Summer Movie Night!

    SECOND SUMMER MOVIE NIGHT. Join us August 17th at 6:00 p.m. for a family-friendly film inside the building!

    WHEN: August 17th, 6:00 p.m.

    WHERE: Inside Hope Chapel’s Sanctuary

    WHAT: A family-friendly movie – TBA

    WHO: You, your friends, your family, your neighbors!

    WHY: Are you kidding? Because it’s FUN!

    WILL THERE BE FOOD AND / OR BEVERAGES? Yes! We’ll be selling some drinks, popcorn, and movie candy. (Feel free to bring your own, too.)