The MomCo@Hope

Dear Mama,

We start our new year with a new name. Goodbye Mops@Hope and hello to The MomCo@Hope. Same mission, new name, and a new opportunity for mothers of young children to find their people and fall in love with momming again.

The MomCo is declaring this the year of new things. A new season needs a new strategy, and we choose wild, contagious hope. Hope is not a passive exercise in wishing; it’s an active approach to living life engaged. Hope is generative. In Proverbs 13:12 we read, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” Hope provides clarity, vision and vitality.

Find new Hope, new friends, and a community that understands you at the MomCo@Hope.

Register for our fall semester here.