Summer Ladies’ Bible Study


Women’s Thursday Summer Bible Study

Come join the Women of Hope for a summer Bible study on Thursdays
from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.June 4th – July 30th in the 5th grade class room (we will not meet on July 16th and  23rd).
A recent string of popular-level books written by the New Atheists have leveled the accusation that the God of the Old Testament is nothing but a bully, a murderer, and a cosmic child abuser. This viewpoint is even making inroads into the church. How are Christians to respond to such accusations? And how are we to reconcile the seemingly disconnected natures of God portrayed in the two testaments? Come read and discuss Paul Copland”s “Is God A Moral Monster.”
Childcare is provided by signing up here. There will be a music program with Miss Ariel as well as Bible lessons and play time for our kids.
Sign up by May 28th. Contact Lisette with questions.