The Hope Blog

What's new at Hope.

  1. Current Gallery Exhibit: “Intercession : Şefaat”

    Sunday, September 11, will debut the new Sanctuary Gallery exhibit: “Intercession : Şefaat”.

    In a collaborative effort the Hope Chapel Arts Ministry has partnered with the recent Short-Term Turkey Mission Team to produce an exhibit aimed at drawing our congregational body together in unified and ongoing prayer for our Turkey Mission.

    The show will feature photography by Whitney Crowley, with a newly painted art wall by Micheal Wall. Our newly instated Gallery Manager, Courtney Daniel, has also brought her renowned art cards to the exhibit. Those cards will be found available around the foyer and sanctuary, and they make great prayer reminders and bookmarks.

    The Gallery Manager and Short Term Team would like to recognize the supportive labor of Ceci Proeger, our newly appointed Missions Director, in her enthusiasm for and assistance in hanging the show. Likewise, thanks go out to our Studio Manager, Tildon Humphries, who also has brought his labor and invaluable insights to the hanging efforts.

    Our featured photographer Whitney Crowley’s artist statement is included below, and may be found posted up in the Gallery.

    Whitney Crowley
    Artist Statement

    Intercession : Şefaat

    If a photo is worth a 1000 words, then apparently there’s a lot to be said. I enjoy taking photos and am surprised if I can capture just a tiny amount of the beauty of God’s creation with them. It’s intriguing to me to see color, shading, shape, form, and texture with photos.
    Initially my love of photography began with a point and shoot 35 mm I had in high school. Love of photographs is an untold passion of mine – I just LOVE to take pictures! There’s a thrill that exists in seeing what you experienced after the fact.

    My intent in this collection is to share with the viewer scenes from Turkey in the
    summer of 2016. My largest hope and desire is that these images would inspire
    the viewer to intercede on behalf of the Turks and workers in this land. If these
    photos bring joy then may they also trigger rejoicing to our Creator. Whatever the emotion or thought invoked by these images, may they draw you into intercession.

    I’m the only daughter of Rita and Richard and have both an older and a younger brother (Rick and Alan). I serve the Lord by ministering on the Hope Chapel worship team, being on the Board of Directors at Hope Chapel, teaching musical worship at N2Worship, and teaching band at Murchison Middle School.

    Whitney Crowley

  2. Nov. 11-13 CenterPeace Conference with Sally Gary


    We are delighted to host guest speaker Sally Gary, founder of CenterPeace ministry. Since 2006, CenterPeace has been helping churches and families all over the world learn a more Christ-like response to individuals experiencing same-sex attraction.

    Plan now to attend the Sally Gary Conference Friday-Sunday, November 11-13. Sally will speak to pastors and church leaders on Friday, November 11 at Westover Hills Church of Christ from 7:00- 8:30 p.m. On Saturday, November 12 she will speak at Hope Chapel from 9:00 a.m. until noon and again from 1:00- 2:30 p.m. There is no cost for attending the conference, but a love offering will be received.

    Sally will also speak Sunday, November 13 at the 10:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. services at Hope Chapel.

    Our hope is that the church will receive a vision for abolishing the culture of silence and shame that too often attends any discussion of same-sex attraction. Instead, let’s develop a healthy culture that encourages and supports our friends and family members who wrestle with these very personal and confusing feelings while at the same time seeking to follow Christ faithfully.

    **SIGN UP**  for the Conference by filling out the form at the bottom of this page; scroll down and click “Sign Up”. We regret that the deadline to reserve child care has passed.


  3. Egypt, After Joseph

    This summer, I invite all of you to take my Old Testament Studies & Reliability of the Bible class. All classes will be virtual and usually around 5 minutes or less. This is video #11. I will put all of the videos on a YouTube playlist so you can easily find previous videos when you want to catch up.


  4. Fireside Worship and Prayer Gathering – Friday, Sept. 9th, 7:00 PM

    Come worship and pray with the body of Hope Chapel in the Hope sanctuary! Using the Fireside model of worship and prayer, we will move from worship to prayer (and back). The evening will include small group and corporate prayer for specific requests for Hope Chapel, locally and abroad.

    Childcare for children 1st grade and under is available from 7-8:30 p.m.  Deadline to reserve childcare is Monday, August 29th. RSVP for childcare by filling out the information below, then scroll to the bottom and click “Sign Up”.

    We regret that the deadline has passed to reserve child care.

  5. Women’s Fall Study




    “Don’t Worry, Be Happy!” Easy to sing, difficult to live out. Everyday we receive bad news, either thru media, or personal circumstances. In a world obsessed with negativity, how do we remain steady in our faith? How do we gain the inner peace that vanquishes our worries? 

    Join the investigation! “No Worries, Learning to Trust our Sovereign God”
    by Silvious & Gillaspie 
    September 1 – October 27 9:30 – 11:30am, Upstairs Classrooms.
    Childcare available by reservation until classrooms are full.
    Sign up early!
    Questions? Email Aubrey at
    Sign Up by filling out the form below, scroll to the bottom and click “Sign Up”.

    Ladies' Books & Breakfast

  6. 42% to Go – We’re Over 1/2 Way There – Update on Repairing Hope (Post-Flood Repair and Remodeling)

    Hope Chapel Building Fund

    Thank you for your generosity, Hope Chapel!

    One month to raise pledges for the rest of the $101.565. We are already at $148,435 pledged of the $250,000 goal. That means only 42% more to go.  

    Still haven’t pledged and want to?

    You can still pledge by September 1st to complete the $250,000 goal, click here. You can also forward this link to your friends or former Hopites:

    Want to fulfill your pledge now?

    If you want to send in the amount you’ve pledged, there’s no reason to wait. You can use your Giving account on The City to complete your pledge. Under “Fund,” choose “Bldg Fund Gen” and in the Memo below, note that you are completing your pledge for Repairing Hope. If you don’t have an account on The City yet, contact Suzi Raines or Cathy Tucek for an invitation.