The Hope Blog

What's new at Hope.

  1. 2017 Women’s Retreat “True Name”

    “I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works, my soul knows it very well.” Psalms 139:14

    2017 Women of Hope Retreat “True Name”

    February 10 – 12th, 2017

    Round Top Retreat Center, Round Top, TX. 

    Make Payment Here

    If you’d like to pay by cash or check please make sure to do the following:

    • Make checks out to Hope Chapel and indicate Women’s Retreat and Your Full Name in memo.
    • Place cash payments in envelope and indicate Women’s Retreat and Your Full Name somewhere visible on envelope.
    • Please note all check and cash payments should be placed in offering boxes by payee.

    Would you like to provide a scholarship for someone? We thank you for your gift! Please follow the steps below:

    • Every time 3 people donate $40, 1 more lady who would otherwise not be able to, can attend!
    • Provide a scholarship through online giving here. In the memo indicate women’s retreat scholarship. If you know person(s) you’d like the scholarship to go to please indicate full name(s) in the memo as well.
    • If by check please indicate women’s retreat scholarship in the memo line. Do not write any individual name on scholarship checks. You may indicate person(s) you’d like it to go to by attaching a note with full name of person(s) that should receive scholarship.
    • If by cash please place in envelope and indicate women’s retreat scholarship somewhere visible on envelope. Add full name of individual(s) designated to receive scholarship.

    Please contact Women’s Director, Lisette Espinosa, if you have additional questions.

  2. Celebrate Our Workers!

    Again, it is our Annual Christmas Giving Season for our dear missionary friends.  In December (4, 11, 18) we hope to remember and give to our workers, both here in the USA and overseas, as a Christmas blessing for all their work to serve the Lord throughout the year.

    In the coffee area, right outside the sanctuary, there are three tables with a description of each workers’ ministry, and supplied with Christmas cards and stationary. Our workers would love to hear from us – even the little ones can send pictures and messages!  Hope Global Team will gather these and send them on to the workers by the end of December.

    In the front foyer is a Christmas Giving Tree where your whole family can pull an ornament (or several!) off the tree and place it in the envelope provided. HGT will collect and record these after each service. Don’t forget to mark the amount and your name on the envelope.

    Thank you for participating and we hope this Christmas season is a blessing to you as well!

  3. Congregational Meeting Wednesday, Jan. 11th

    Come hear about specifics of our building remodel and discuss how Sunday services and other meetings will be conducted. Meal at 5:30;  meeting is from 6:30-8:00 PM. 

    Please NOTE: there will be no regular Hope group meetings that evening.

    We regret that the deadline has now passed to reserve child care.

  4. Where Do We Go From Here?

    Dearly Beloved,

    Several folks have asked me how we as a congregation will follow-up our weekend conference with Sally Gary.  While we are in the incipient stages of answering that question at this point, I thought it would be good to make a few suggestions and solicit your ideas.

    I have posted several ideas on my blog here.  Please take a look and offer your suggestions for moving forward.



  5. Christmas Choir practice on November 19 at 9am!

    Since Hope Chapel is in renovation mode, we are changing choir practice time on November 19 to begin at 9am and to end by 10:30 so that, after practice, choir members who are able to can join in on the workday, which should already be in progress.  These are exciting times!

    Singers, please mark your calendars and join us, one and all!!  Choir always proves to be fun and fruitful endeavor.

    Contact Deb Dorman ( or text Jennifer Boltz at 512-659-1472


  6. Sherwins Visit America

    Help welcome the Sherwins home! Michael and Allison Sherwin will be visiting their home church next week, Hope Chapel, and we would love to welcome them with good food and great company. They are serving with All Nations Cape Town, which takes Michael around Africa and Asia training and equipping leaders, while Allison leads local church planting efforts in Southern Africa.

    Please come to a lunch following Hope’s morning service on November 20 to hear encouraging stories about what God is doing around the world. Lunch and discussion will be held in a home near Hope, so please RSVP (if possible).

    Sunday, November 20


    1407 Brentwood St.