The Hope Blog

What's new at Hope.

  1. “14 Stations” Exhibit in Gallery

    A Painter and a Prophet: the 14 Stations of the life of John Boyle, Painted by James B. Janknegt

    March 2 – May 5th
    Celebrate this body of work that was created over a 14-year period. The works represent 14 scenes from John Boyle’s life and together with The Royal Painter, James Janknegt, visions of The Prophet came to life on the canvas for all of Austin to witness. The works are accompanied by GODESE Prose, a lyrical language that links together words and conceptions, creating a hidden ‘parable-like’ experience inviting the viewer to go before The Throne of God that they might have the eyes to see and the ears to hear what The Spirit is saying.

    Artist Talk: A Dialogue between The Royal Painter and the Prophet. Sunday, March 5th, 2017 5:30 PM at Hope Chapel. Get a glimpse into their 14 year relationship and how these works came to be commissioned. Q & A.

  2. Lenten Fasting

    Dearly Beloved,
    I would like for us as a congregation to fast during the period of Lent which runs from Wednesday, March 1 through Palm Sunday, April 9. Typically a Lenten fast includes giving up something important, something that will be missed, like a favorite food or a favorite activity. Others ‘fast’ in a more positive way by adding a new spiritual habit during the Lenten season, such as a new time for prayer or solitude or giving to the poor or serving the marginalized.
    I have attached an article from Christianity Today that outlines such practices:
    I have also attached a series of six reasons for Hope Chapel fasting this coming Lenten season on The City: The six reasons are actually areas for serious prayer on our part.
    Also, this season begins with a huge undertaking as we literally put our children’s ministry on wheels and roll it across Arroyo Seco to Brentwood Elementary School. Let’s ask for God’s favor on this arena of Hope Chapel’s ministry and on our children’s ministry director, Hala Tompkins.
    Finally, we should seek God for renewal in our own spiritual walk. I have laid out six areas in which I believe we need concerted prayer. We can take up one area of concern for each of the six weeks of the Lenten period. Let me remind you that the traditional Lenten fast extends for six days of the week, but is not typically observed on Sundays.
  3. Seek God for the City 2017 prayer guides are now available!


    March 1-April 9 Praying 40 Days to Palm Sunday

     Seek God for the City is designed to mobilize many to pray with united, sustained vision for people of your community!

    Pick up a prayer guide in the sanctuary foyer (suggested donation $3) — or download the app (only .99¢) which contains all the material of the printed booklet — and more! Available for Apple, Android and Kindle Fire phones and tablets.

    For more information visit the Waymakers website.


  4. Gallery Exhibit — Women of Hope: “True Names”

    Currently hung on the Sanctuary Gallery walls is an exhibit by members of the Women’s Ministry at Hope Chapel, entitled, “True Names.”

    “As women of hope I believe God calls us to reach the generation following us, and the one that has gone before us. A bridging of generations. It is in the beautiful weaving of young and old that God reveals our True Names. The pieces displayed reflect the artist interpretations of theirs or corporately our True Names as women. No more labels. Simply woman hearing the song of heaven as He sings over us our names.” – Lisette Espinosa

    This will be an evolving installation, with additional pieces going up over the length of the show.

  5. World Mandate Conference!

    Save the Date: January 28 @ Hope in the City

    World Mandate is a conference hosted by Antioch church in Waco, Texas  with the goal of inspiring followers of Jesus to change the world with the love of Jesus. The conference is a wonderful mix of worship and nations-minded speakers. This year Francis Chan and Tracy Evans will be guest speakers.

    Hope in the City will be live-streaming the event in south Austin and have invited us to join them. Cost is $10, and the event will begin at 3pm Saturday afternoon, and finish around 10pm. All ages are welcome and encouraged to attend!

    World Mandate is an amazing time to be encouraged by what God is doing around the world! You will be inspired by how He might want to use you here in Austin or in the ends of the world.

    For more information, please contact:

    Ceci Proeger-, 512-521-9922

  6. A Group Christmas Reading

    Dearly Beloved,

    I have encouraged Hope Chapel to share the Christmas story with someone before Christmas day.  Or, in lieu of the Christmas story, to share the gospel of Jesus or one’s own testimony of salvation.

    Just in case you desire to bear witness to Jesus in this season, but have not found an opportunity to do so, all is not lost!

    I have developed a document I have prepared for my family’s use which includes the main portions of the Christmas story and a list of characters with both speaking and non-speaking roles.  You can find the Word.docx here and the .pdf file here.

    My hope is that in your family time on Christmas day you will find time to read the story as a group, passing around the task of serving as the narrator, and finding small figurines or statuettes or even paper cut-outs to serve in place of the characters in the story.

    The idea is a simple one:  as the narrator approaches a speaking role someone assumes that part and reads out the words of that character.  This can be accompanied by the holding up of the symbol for that character.  A very large group of people can be included in the story with this methodology.

    Feel free to conduct the reading in whatever way suits your family unit.  This will be a blessing to all and, perhaps, will morph into a cherished family tradition.
