The Hope Blog

What's new at Hope.

  1. Seek God for the City 2019 Begins March 6th

    40 days of prayer for the City from  Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday, March 6-April 14

    Prayer Guides are available in the Hope Chapel foyer and coffee shop area (suggested donation $1) — or download the app (only .99¢) which contains all the material of the printed booklet — and lots of extras! Available for Apple, Android and Kindle Fire phones and tablets. For more information visit the Waymakers website.

    Prayers that anchor your hope in God.

    Seek God for the City is designed to mobilize many to pray with united, sustained vision for people of your community. The daily prayers are all new and different from last year’s prayer guide. The scriptures and topics help God’s people pray with passionate, full-hearted hope. This timely guide helps us pray beyond ourselves with confidence and clarity.

  2. Arts Update 02-04-2019

    Arts Community Updates 02-04-2019


    Hope Arts Group meets :


        With this being the first Wednesday of the month we will be meeting for regular group time together in the studio space at Hope Chapel. We will all meet in the studio @ 6:30 PM after the 5:30 Wednesday night dinner.


    Deadline for entry as a presenter or RSVP as an attendee for the Feb. 15th Art Salon is Tuesday 02-12-2019 by noon. See the sign-up form under the relevant tab on to do so.


    Deadline for entry into upcoming gallery show “Gates & Fences: How We Enter” is 02-26-2019 by noon. See the sign-up form under the relevant tab on to do so.


    Maker’s Fair sign-up for the March 9th slots is going on now. Be sure to go to to get space.


    Major Changes :


    1)    From this point forward artists will meet every Wednesday together in the studio, and our alternating schedule (between group time and free creation) will continue but together in the studio space.


    2)    Art Salon attendance : in order to attend the arts salon (not just to present), attendees must RSVP (and presenters must sign up) in order to receive location information. Go to to sign up under the relevant tab.


  3. Arts Update

    Arts Update 01-29


    Lots of BIG NEWS today. This Wednesday Family Night on 01-30 will be the 5th Wednesday of the month, and so another open creation time in the studio for 2-d/3-d artists, and in coffee shop for writers, or those wanting to discuss Art-related topics. Dinner is at 5:30; group time at 6:30.  

    This is a perfect time to be working on our corporate “52 Project” — our project where we produce one new piece of art (at least) for that week, which we upload to the private group space of Realm.

    Better still is using open creation time to produce work for our upcoming gallery exhibit: “Gates and Fences” — you may find information on this exhibit Realm / Hope.Org blogs, as well as the sign up forms on

    Feb. 15th is our first Arts Gathering / Salon Performance Evening: Art Gatherings are intimate, salon-style performance and community evenings for artists and art-lovers to get to come together and experience the works of selected artists, engaging in discussion. The Art Gatherings occur in private homes around the city, every 3rd Friday of the Month (barring holidays), from 7:30PM – 9:30PM. Location information for this month’s Gatherings may be found updated on the HopeArts blog sections of Realm,, and


    Performance / presenter spots by sign-up only on Realm or below. Attendees should RSVP on same — some spaces may be limited. No childcare provided at any location. Must sign-up by the Tuesday (3 days) prior to the event.

    Please Contact our Arts Ministry Director with questions.

    Lastly, we have an upcoming Makers Market March 9th, from 9 AM – 3 PM; sign-up forms on


  4. 01-17-2016 Arts Weekly Update

     Arts Ministry Weekly Update


    Big news this week: firstly, Saturday 01-19, Hope Chapel moves back into its building. Loads of hands are needed for that chore, especially in the morning time. After several long years we will now have our building back entirely, and this means some changes for the upcoming semester as well.

    Starting Wednesday 01-23 the regular Wednesday Family Night resumes, and the Arts Hope Group will begin having access to the coffee shop / auxiliary gallery space for meetings. Since the 23rd is a scheduled “open creating time” we will meet in the coffee shop for those wanting to be around others and create/write/discuss.

    In general, the Arts Hope Group follows the Hope Group Schedule on Hope.Org and regular Family Night meeting times. We will meet every Wednesday from now on, with actual group meetings and discussions on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, as we had been doing in the past at Liz Morgan’s house. We will continue to reserve the 2nd, 4th, 5th Wednesdays of the month for open creating time, and when the studio is completed (a task still not begun) the studio arts group will be able to fully utilize that space on those 2nd, 4th, 5th Wednesdays while non-studio artists (like the writers) can utilize the coffee shop / auxiliary gallery for open creative time.

    Work on the studio will begin roughly in early February, and we will update you as things progress on that front, but that project too rests entirely on the efforts of those volunteering their time and elbow grease, much as the work on the building and the move-in did.

    Beginning Wednesday 01-23 HopeArts is starting a “52 Project” — every week artists of all mediums are encouraged to produce some new piece of art, or choose from that weeks worth of production one piece, and share the work to the HopeArts Realm Group. This project will feed into upcoming goings on, to be sure, so keep up the effort. There really are no parameters or themes to follow, except those that make 52 weekly projects sustainable to you.

    Lastly, for this week’s update at least, we will soon be making an open call for art for the themed gallery show “Gates & Fences”. Follow the HopeArts Blog posts on Realm, Hope.Org, and for entry forms and updates on this and other opportunities. And be sure to check out and chime in on the latest HopeArts Art Topic of the day.

    Remember, our very own Ashley Littlefield heads up our Instagram and Social Media presences, so be sure to pop into those places for more from current and past HopeArts goings on.

  5. Register for the Women’s Retreat Today

    Women of Hope Retreat 2019, February 22 – 24th @ Jordan Ranch

    Why Retreat? We are glad you asked! Retreat is not just a time to get a way, but it is also a time to grow together and in our relationship with God. It is for the focused single lady pursuing her career, the widow who needs to connect with friends, the grandmother who has so much she wants to share, the married woman without kids who just wants to take off her hills and relax. The college student drowned in midterms who needs to recharge, and yes even for the busy and tired momma. Every year we have the opportunity to leave our regular routines, kick up our feet, make new friends, catch up with old ones, and hear more about Gods heart for his daughters.

    Come join us for a weekend of fun, authenticity, and growth. We’d like to encourage you to bring a friend who has never attended retreat. With only 73 onsite spots they will fill up quickly. Reserve yours and a friends today with a $50 deposit.


    Thanks to Men of Hope for hosting their retreat at Jordan Ranch, we received $20 off per registrant. Cost is $165, pay on REALM and we’ll take another $5 off, making your cost $160.


    For more information contact:

    Laurel at for Payment, Scholarship, or Donation inquiries.

    Sara at for Registration questions

    Don’t forget to register on REALM and receive an extra $5 off!

    For more information regarding Women of Hope contact Lisette at
  6. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service from 5-6:00 PM

    Come as you are: dressed for photos in front of the tree or with the kids in pajamas. Begin a tradition with us Christmas Eve at 5:00 PM.  Bring your family and friends to sing the carols and hear the story once again of when Hope came as a human and lived among us.

    Then stand in the darkness as the first candle is lit and see it slowly spread across the room, candle to candle. Until at last, enveloped in the glow, we remember when The Light came into the world and pierced the darkness.