The Hope Blog

What's new at Hope.

  1. Makers Market Festival – Art Market, Bouncy House & Taco Truck Saturday Oct.12th

    Maker’s Market 9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M., Oct. 12, 2019

    Our Maker’s Market Festival is Saturday, Oct. 12th! It’s HopeArts’ and Hope Chapel’s indoor/outdoor art market and festival, with taco truck, bouncy house, activities and games, and so much more! Invite and bring your friends and neighbors and their kids from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM.

    We’ll be showcasing works for sale by creative people in the HopeArts and greater community. Featuring artists, crafters, and makers of all kinds. Portions of sales and booth rentals go to support the HopeArts’ Ministry. Donations also accepted!

    There’s still time to reserve booth space – check here for details: (indoor and outdoor space: $35 per vendor).

  2. 2019 Hope Chapel Teaching Archives

    Play Episode
    The Art of Spiritual Conversations
    October 20, 2019

    The post The Art of Spiritual Conversations appeared first on Hope Chapel.

    Play Episode
    Hope for the Second Coming
    September 08, 2019

    Hope for the Second Coming

    Play Episode
    Second Peter – Part 3
    August 04, 2019

    Play Episode
    Second Peter – Part 2
    July 28, 2019

    Second Peter

    July 21, 2019

    Honor Your Father and Mother

    July 14, 2019

    The Son of God was Single

    July 07, 2019

    Divorce and Remarriage

    July 03, 2019

    How to Have a Difficult Conversation – Prepare Well, Fight Fair

    June 23, 2019

    Christian Marriage

    June 16, 2019

    Facing Opposition

    June 09, 2019

    On Baptism

    June 02, 2019

    Christian Sexual Ethics

    May 26, 2019

    Unity in the Body

    May 19, 2019

    Unity in the Body

    May 19, 2019

    The post Unity in the Body appeared first on Hope Chapel.

    Jesus is the Answer

    May 12, 2019

    The post Jesus is the Answer appeared first on Hope Chapel.

    What is Church?

    May 05, 2019

    The post What is Church? appeared first on Hope Chapel.

    The Ordination of Matt Ryniker

    April 28, 2019

    The post The Ordination of Matt Ryniker appeared first on Hope Chapel.

    The Locked Door and the Empty Tomb

    April 21, 2019

    The post The Locked Door and the Empty Tomb appeared first on Hope Chapel.

    Welcoming the One Who Comes – Palm Sunday and the Hope of His Coming

    April 14, 2019

    The post Welcoming the One Who Comes – Palm Sunday and the Hope of His Coming appeared first on Hope Chapel.

    Learning to Pray

    April 07, 2019

    The post Learning to Pray appeared first on Hope Chapel.

    Jesus, Lord of Rest

    March 31, 2019

    The post Jesus, Lord of Rest appeared first on Hope Chapel.

    Fighting Sin

    March 24, 2019

    The post Fighting Sin appeared first on Hope Chapel.

    Solitude – Alone with Jesus

    March 17, 2019

    The post Solitude – Alone with Jesus appeared first on Hope Chapel.

    Being a Witness and Making Witnesses of Jesus Christ

    March 10, 2019

    The post Being a Witness and Making Witnesses of Jesus Christ appeared first on Hope Chapel.

    Preparing For Our Resurrected King

    March 03, 2019

    The post Preparing For Our Resurrected King appeared first on Hope Chapel.

    What Does the Bible Say About Healing?

    February 24, 2019

    The post What Does the Bible Say About Healing? appeared first on Hope Chapel.

    Hope Chapel DNA

    February 17, 2019

    The post Hope Chapel DNA appeared first on Hope Chapel.

    Help Me On Tuesday

    February 10, 2019

    The post Help Me On Tuesday appeared first on Hope Chapel.

    How Knowing Christ Shapes Prayer

    February 03, 2019

    The post How Knowing Christ Shapes Prayer appeared first on Hope Chapel.

    Pray for Revival

    January 27, 2019

    “Lord, bring revival to our city, and renewal to your church.”

    More than Sheep

    January 20, 2019

    The post More than Sheep appeared first on Hope Chapel.

    Gracious Release

    January 13, 2019

    The post Gracious Release appeared first on Hope Chapel.

    Take the Baton

    January 06, 2019

    The post Take the Baton appeared first on Hope Chapel.

  3. Gifts’ Night on Wednesday, May 15th 6:30 PM • A Less Stressed, More Blessed Night • Come See Your Friends Perform

    Come Wednesday, May 15th from 6:30-8:00 PM and see your friendly Hopites share their talent:

    • The Bluegrass Special Band (ala Scott McDonald, Tully Rowe, plus)

    • John Patrick Cogdell

    • Thomas Cogdell

    • Kevin Daniel

    • The Fischer Family

    • Joe Friedman

    • The Hope Chapel Drama Team

    • Mark Kovach

    • Judah Lathem

    They’ve got music, readings, comedy, something I cannot tell you about, and more music! Join in this old Hope tradition (from 1978-present).

    No childcare but kids are welcome!

  4. Arts Update 04/30 “BIG ASKS”

    So We will be meeting this Wednesday, for our last family night meeting of the semester, HOWEVER (and this is the FIRST BIG ASK), we need all art hands on deck to help move the supplies from the Studio to the Attic. This is the first step in our big studio remodel, and needs being done. This is light work,

    Just come to Family Dinner night at 5:30 pm Wednesday, and then meet at studio at 6:30 to move paints and brushes and so forth to the attic.


    Folks, I need artists willing to be artists-for-others at our tent for the Violet Crown Festival.

    It is THIS SATURDAY. MAY 4th. Park across from Hope Chapel. 9am-5pm. (2 1/2 hour shifts preferred but you do what you can)

    What does that mean? It means you sit in the tent, being willing to write/draw/paint on the spot, praying on the spot, or displaying artwork. It means being prepared to discuss art and faith on the spot.

    There will be NO ABSOLUTELY NO selling of art at this event.

  5. Matt Ryniker Ordination

    Let’s Join in Celebration

    Matthew Ryniker Ordination and Cake Reception on Sunday, April 28th, 10AM

    Matt is changing positions at Hope Chapel and becomes our Associate Pastor this Sunday, April 28th in the 10AM serviceafter he’s ordained.

    Though the youth will miss him in his role as youth pastor, he’ll pick up other responsibilities that bring his many skills and gifts to bear for the entire congregation; he’s already been doing that as Outreach pastor. Mandy Ryniker finishes her nursing training in the next week and graduates also. They are together ready to walk in this new role.

    Our Hopekids’ classes begin at 10AM. They’ll come back in at the end of the service so they don’t miss Matt’s ordination. Older kids can either sit on the floor up front or go be seated with their parents.

    Come celebrate the gift that Matt is to Hope! A cake reception follows.

  6. Open Call for Artwork

    This is an open call for artwork for the upcoming themed gallery show entitled “Desire & Design”.


    This show seeks to explore the the interplay of the elements of desire and design, ultimately suggesting God’s desire(s) through His design and grand meta-narrative.

    Submission protocolswhich must be adhered to — can be found on our Gallery section of

    Written and Digital Photographic Submissions (poetry, flash-fiction, essay/reflection) for our in-house art magazine (i.e. not as part of the hung gallery show) must still fill out the form before sending — the form provides / enables contact options.

    FORM DEADLINE: MAY 21ST, NOON. (Pieces must be delivered to Hope Chapel’s pastor office/Debbie Bjork by Noon, May 28th.)

    ll artists are encouraged to attend the catered gallery reception, Saturday June 1st, from 6:30 P.M. until 9:00 P.M.

    Show Details : These “desires” may include (but aren’t limited to): those desires for His Son, to see Jesus exalted; Our desire(s) for security, safety, freedom, connection, rest, community, being heard and seen; God’s desire to see Humanity redeemed (or what redemption may “look like”); His and / or our desires for social justice; for fruit of the Spirit to be made manifest (fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, self-control); desires for the meek to inherit the earth, for the merciful to be shown mercy; His desires for the hearts of fathers and sons to be turned towards one another; desires for Holiness and a Holy People of every tongue, tribe, nation; His desires for complete unity of faith, hope, love.

    The design(s) can include (but aren’t limited to) : examples from biology, science, linguistics, mathematics, geometry; graphic and computer design; architecture.

    A good source text from scripture to consider would be the New Testament book of Hebrews, for instance.

    Entry form – Fill out the form below, scroll to the bottom and click “Submit”

    Gallery Show Submissions Form

    Gallery Show Submissions Form

    • Name of show you are entering.
    • Phone
    • Email
    • Medium / Type of Submission
    • Description -- briefly describe your piece, its concept, dimensions, special requirements (this shall used for artist card signage). Include any artist statement that goes along with piece (as it will be taken directly from this form). JPEGs to be emailed directly to Director or Gallery Manager.
    • Have you read Submissions Guidelines on
    • Opening and Panel Discussion Question -- If you plan to attend gallery opening, you would be willing to ...