The Hope Blog

What's new at Hope.

  1. HopeKids Childcare Worker Training on September 4

    Hope Chapel’s childcare workers and Sunday School volunteers are invited to learn tools for new and better ways to interact with all of our Hope kids in the spirit of TBRI  and relational connection.

    Join us for dinner and training on September 4, 2024. Registration opens soon.

    Contact Joelene for more details

  2. 1 Thessalonians

    New to Hope? We’re glad you’re here! Text the word WELCOME to 512-777-1826 to connect with our welcome team!

  3. Summer FUN Night #3: Pickleball and DiscGO! Competition


    Come join us for a competitive Summer Fun Night of Pickleball and Cosmo Raines’ DiscGo! – both for all ages – plus good food (TBA) for our final 2024 Summer Fun Night on August 14th at 5:00 PM!

    The tournaments will start promptly at 6:00 PM to ensure we have time to complete the competition before it gets too late (the darkness comes earlier than in June).

    If you’re a Hopite, RSVP on Realm for Pickleball. If you’re not, just ask for Wes (Neely) when you get to the party!

  4. Hope 101 Aug. 20th and 27th

    Hope 101 is back!

    Two Wednesday evenings: August 20th and 27th, 6- 8:30 p.m.

    Are you new or new-ish to Hope Chapel? Please join us for a very casual, 2-night gathering where you’ll be served dinner and get a chance to meet Hope Chapel’s staff and board members. You’ll meet new friends, hear about many of the different things going on at Hope and how you can get involved. Bring your family and your questions!

    * Please RSVP here for dinner and childcare by Sunday, August 11th

  5. Jonah

    New to Hope? We’re glad you’re here! Text the word WELCOME to 512-777-1826 to connect with our welcome team!

  6. Sharon Kern Celebration of Life



    Our dear, sweet friend and Hopite, Sharon Kern, went to be with Jesus last Saturday. Please join Sharon’s family as we celebrate her life on Tuesday, August 6th at 3:30PM at Hope Chapel (6701 Arroyo Seco, 78757). This service will not be livestreamed.


    Join us in the Family Room for a reception after the service.

    Hopites can RSVP on Realm if you’re attending plus if you are able to bring a dessert or snack to share. Other friends of Sharon can RSVP to Joelene Michel to help us plan (if you’re bringing something, please let her know). Sharon’s favorite desserts were lemon meringue pie or anything lemon like lemon bars.


    In lieu of flowers the family asks that you donate to The MomCo, N2Worship, or Hope General Missions fund: You can find Sharon’s obituary here on the Austin Statesman.


    From Jack Dorman, long time friend of Sharon, elder, and Pastor Emeritus, “…Sharon often talked of longing to be with Jesus and her dear husband…We are comforted to know where she is. I pray for us all and rejoice in this passage from Romans 8.

    For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. for the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God…who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved…But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.

    Portions of Romans 8: 18-24 ESV

    Posted 31July2024.