The Hope Blog

What's new at Hope.

  1. God’s Comfort for a Grieving Community

    Proverbs 14:10

    Each heart knows its own bitterness,and no one else can share its joy.

    1 Thessalonians 4:13

    But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope.

    Ecclesiastes 3:3-4

    a time to kill, and a time to heal;
    a time to break down, and a time to build up;

    a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
    a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

    Psalm 30:5

    For his anger is but for a moment,
    and his favor is for a lifetime.[a]
    Weeping may tarry for the night,
    but joy comes with the morning.


    New to Hope? We’re glad you’re here!  Text the word WELCOME to 512-645-1980

    Online Giving text HOPEATX to 73256

    Advent December 2020

    Advent December 2020

    Link to Full Sermon –Worship Hope Chapel Austin Texas

  2. Sara and José Miñán’s Memorial Service, Live-Stream, Redeemer Lutheran Church on Saturday, December 5th at 11AM

    Sara and José Miñán’s memorial service is Saturday, December 5th at 11:00AM at Redeemer Lutheran Church (1500 W. Anderson Lane) in Austin, Texas. There will be a live-stream of the service at Sara was a teacher at Redeemer Lutheran School.

    A Memorial Service Program can be viewed and downloaded at:

    All attendees will be required to wear a face mask and sit in household groups or as individuals physically-distanced by about six feet. Their auditorium will be able to accommodate about 200 people with these restrictions. They will also make available an overflow room for another 100 people, should that be needed.

    On Tuesday, November 24th, José and Sara were in a fatal auto accident over the Thanksgiving holiday. These dear Hopites are greatly missed already and we are grieving this deep loss to our church family. Sara and José loved to talk about Jesus, sharing their faith in person and online. No one can remember these two without seeing a smile on their faces or a look of concern for other’s difficulties. And laughter, much laughter was heard in our years with them.

    Our two faithful friends served us whole-heartedly and cheerfully. Sara worked in both the HopeKids’ Ministry and with the Women of Hope; José was part of the Men of Hope and told his story of following to Jesus for Hope’s book, Reset. They were behind-the-scene servants in many other ways and served the Lord Jesus Christ and Hope Chapel well.

    They leave behind their two beloved sons, Eli and Ander, in whom they took great joy, and families both in the USA and Spain. We are praying for comfort for all of them.

    Though we are left behind for now, we know as José’s Facebook page said, “Follow Jesus,” and they have and are now with Him.

    Donations can be made at through Realm. In the Fund drop down menu, choose, “EAM Benevolence.” All the funds will go to the estate supporting the boys.

    Links coming soon where you can upload video (1080p or less) and written messages, as well as, photos for their sons. Make sure to add how you know the Miñáns, “Hi, I’m…and I know your parents from….”

    Video or write down a memory. Remind us of how funny José was, how clever Sara would be when discussing ethical issues of the day, what José’s work ethic for his business was, how Sara loved teaching, times you spent with any or all of them, meaningful conversations, parties and celebrations, general life. Can you remember something José or Sara said to you about Eli or Ander?

    Collect your photos and we’ll have a place for you to upload them for the boys to keep throughout their lives. Captioning photos of when, where, and who’s in the photos will be helpful when they look at them now and in the future.


  3. Lyrics for Worship on the Lawn 12/6/20

    For the Light

    For the Light has shined upon us.
    For the Light has risen on us.
    For the Father has given Jesus, He’s given Jesus, His Son.

    How we were groping
    How we were searching for light of day
    Into the darkness God spoke His likeness to light our way

    In this small baby, in this humanity, Jesus will dwell
    Piercing the darkness, now God is with us – Emmanuel


    O Come, O Come Emmanuel

    O come O come Emmanuel, And ransom captive Israel
    That mourns in lonely exile here, Until the Son of God appear

    Rejoice, rejoice ‑ Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel

    O come, Thou Dayspring, come and cheer our spirits by Thine advent here
    Disperse the gloomy clouds of night, and death’s dark shadows put to flight

    O come, Thou Wisdom from on high, and order all things far and nigh
    To us the path of knowledge show, and cause us in her ways to go

    O come, Desire of nations, bind ‑ all peoples in one heart and mind
    Bid envy strife and quarrels cease, Fill the whole world with heaven’s peace


    Sing Hallelujah to the Lord

    Sing hallelujah to the Lord (echo) x2
    Sing hallelujah x2
    Sing hallelujah to the Lord

    Jesus is Lord and King of all (echo) x2
    Jesus is Lord x2

    Jesus is Lord and King of all

    Jesus is coming back again (echo) x2
    Jesus is coming x2

    Jesus is coming back again


    Light of the World

    The world waits for a miracle, The heart longs for a little bit of hope
    O come, O come Emmanuel
    A child prays for peace on earth, And she’s calling out from a sea of hurt
    O come, O come Emmanuel
    And can you hear the angels singing

    Glory to the Light of the world, Glory ‑ the Light of the world is here

    The drought breaks with the tears of a mother, A baby’s cry is the sound of love come down
    Come down, Emmanuel ‑ woh
    He is the song for the suffering
    He is Messiah, the Prince of peace has come
    He has come Emmanuel ‑ oh

    Glory to the Light of the world (4X)

    For all who wait, for all who hunger, for all who’ve prayed, for all who wonder
    Behold your King, behold Messiah
    Emmanuel Emmanuel

    Glory to the light of the world (3X)
    Behold your King, behold Messiah
    Emmanuel Emmanuel

    The world waits for a miracle, The heart longs for a little bit of hope
    O come, O come Emmanuel


    O Come, All Ye Faithful

    O come all ye faithful, Joyful and triumphant
    O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem
    Come and behold Him, Born the King of angels

    O come let us adore Him
    O come let us adore Him
    O come let us adore Him
    Christ the Lord

    Sing choirs of angels, Sing in exultation
    O sing all ye bright Hosts of heav’n above
    Glory to God all Glory in the highest

    Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, Born this happy morning
    Jesus to Thee be all glory giv’n
    Word of the Father, Now in flesh appearing

  4. The Servant Songs: Surely He Has Borne Our Griefs and Carried Our Sorrows


    New to Hope? We’re glad you’re here!  Text the word WELCOME to 512-645-1980

    Online Giving text HOPEATX to 73256

    Hope Chapel Austin Worship November 2020

    Jesus is Coming

    Link to Full Sermon –Worship Hope Chapel Austin Texas

  5. The Servant Songs: Morning By Morning

    Obedience marks the entrance point for intimacy with God.

    Isaiah 50:4-7

    The Lord God has given me
    the tongue of those who are taught,
    that I may know how to sustain with a word
    him who is weary.
    Morning by morning he awakens;
    he awakens my ear
    to hear as those who are taught.

    The Lord God has opened my ear,
    and I was not rebellious;
    I turned not backward.

    I gave my back to those who strike,
    and my cheeks to those who pull out the beard;
    I hid not my face
    from disgrace and spitting.

    But the Lord God helps me;
    therefore I have not been disgraced;
    therefore I have set my face like a flint,
    and I know that I shall not be put to shame.


    New to Hope? We’re glad you’re here!  Text the word WELCOME to 512-645-1980

    Online Giving text HOPEATX to 73256

    Hope Chapel Austin Worship November 2020

    Jesus is Coming

    Link to Full Sermon –Worship Hope Chapel Austin Texas

  6. Lyrics for Worship on the Lawn 11/22/20

    Jesus, All for Jesus

    Jesus, all for Jesus
    All I am and have and ever hope to be
    Jesus, all for Jesus
    All I am and have and ever hope to be

    All of my ambitions hopes and plans,
    I surrender these into Your hands
    All of my ambitions hopes and plans,
    I surrender these into Your hands

    For it’s only in Your will that I am free
    For it’s only in Your will that I am free


    I Will Serve You

    I will serve You because I love You
    You have given life to me
    I was nothing before You found me
    You have given life to me

    Heartaches broken pieces
    Ruined lives are why You died on Calv’ry
    Your touch was what I longed for
    You have given life to me


    I Belong

    Not angels nor demons
    No pow’r on earth or heaven
    Not distance nor danger
    No trouble now or ever

    Nothing can take me from Your great love
    Forever this truth remains

    I belong
    I belong to You
    I belong
    I belong to You

    Not hardship nor hunger
    No pain or depth of sorrow
    Not weakness nor failure
    No broken dream or promise


    Had It Not Been (Psalm 124)

    Had it not been the Lord who was on our side
    Had it not been the Lord who was on our side
    The anger of the enemy would have swallowed us alive
    Had it not been the Lord who was on our side.

    Had it not been the Lord who was on our side
    Had it not been the Lord who was on our side
    The waters would have engulfed us, we would have surely died
    Had it not been the Lord who was on our side.

    Blessed be the Lord who would not give us up
    Blessed be the Lord for His unfailing love
    The snare is broken and we have escaped
    Our help is in the name of the Lord. Blessed be the Lord!


    Be Unto Your Name

    We are a moment, You are forever
    Lord of the ages, God before time
    We are a vapor, You are eternal
    Love everlasting, reigning on high

    Holy holy Lord God Almighty
    Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
    Highest praises honor and glory
    Be unto Your name
    Be unto Your name

    We are the broken, You are the healer
    Jesus, Redeemer, mighty to save
    You are the love song we’ll sing forever
    Bowing before You, blessing Your name