The Hope Blog

What's new at Hope.

  1. Global Christmas

    Each year Hope Chapel gets the opportunity to bless all of our workers around the world. We have done an outstanding job of letting them know they are loved and missed, and I know this year will be the same (y’all are truly a generous bunch).

    In the sanctuary, or under the stairs in the coffee shop, you will find cards to write notes of encouragement, as well as a document to fill out for financial gifts to specified workers. Please make it a family activity! The workers enjoy hearing from the younger generations and knowing the gospel is also going forth here in Austin.

    Thank you for the love and care you show to those who are serving the Lord in a cross-cultural context. You are greatly appreciated!

    Merry Christmas!


  2. Candlelight Christmas Eve Service at 5:00 PM


    Start or Begin A Tradition – Mark Your Calendar

    Come as you are: dressed for photos or bring your kids in pajamas. Begin or continue a tradition with Hope at the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 5:00 PM. Bring your family and friends to sing the carols and hear the story once again of when Hope came as a human and lived among us.

    Then stand in the darkness as the first candle is lit and see it slowly spread across the room, candle to candle. Until at last, enveloped in the glow, we remember when The Light came into the world and pierced the darkness.

  3. Christmas Songs & Carols Sing-A-Long on the Lawn

    Can’t Promise Snow – Bring Some Friends

    Christmas Songs & Carols Sing-A-Long on the Lawn
    Saturday, December 18th at 6:00 PM


    Hopite John Konakci was inspired by ATX’s Holiday Sing-Along at the Capitol and wanted to do an outdoor Christmas Songs and Carols Sing-A-Long night at Hope Chapel on Saturday, December 18th from 6-7:00 PM.

    Our neighbors have gotten familiar with us being out on the lawn in the last year and won’t be surprised to see us outdoors again.And we’re inviting them to join us. Who will you bring? Come with a friend, a co-worker, or some family to join other Hopites, and hopefully, some Brentwood and Crestview neighbors to the sing-along.​

  4. Retreat 2022 SAVE THE DATE!


    Retreat 2022 takes place April 29 – May 1st. Prayers are being prayed and plans are being made. We anticipate a bigger turn out next year so make plans to attend and be ready to sign up in February 2022.

    We’d love to know if you are planning to attend. Please follow this link to REALM to let us know you’d like to attend, THIS WILL NOT SAVE YOU A SPOT. We simply want to know if you intend on coming so we can plan well. Registrations open in February 2022. More info coming in the NEW YEAR.

    Helpful information: 

    Contact Lori McDonald for payment/scholarship/donation questions:

    Contact Missy Huibregste  for all other retreat questions: