The Hope Blog

What's new at Hope.

  1. Castros Visiting -Many Opportunities to Hear!

    The whole Castro family will be visiting us from around the world and have many stories to share about God’s movements. We’ll hear about how discipleship through business is transforming lives, how young people are receiving ministry through sports, and how the isolated villages in Bulgaria are responding to the Word.

    Please plan to join us for any or all of the following events:

    Aug 15- Dessert night

    Aug 19- ITN briefing

    Aug 21- Post-service reception

    Aug 23- Prayer and Worship

    RSVP on Realm or email

  2. Sunday School Helper Training on August 28

    All junior high and high school students who want to help in a HopeKids’ class on Sunday mornings are invited to join Mrs. Hala for a brief training session. We’ll discuss what makes a helper truly great, how to become a regular helper, and what opportunities are available for those who don’t want to actually be in a classroom.

    We will meet in the Lighthouse at 12:15 and be done by 1pm.

    RSVP to Mrs. Hala or just show up. All are welcome.

  3. Taizé Service Announcement

    Occurring every 3rd Sunday of the month (except for holidays), beginning at 7:00 P.M. theTaizé Service is a contemplative, liturgical service following the lectionary calendar. Numerous moments of silence, liturgy, and lectio divina readings are built into an aestheticaly oriented prayer service. Taizé Services closely follow the French Taizé Community model, a community which began in 1940, and currently boast a community of 100 Catholic and various Protestants who live their lives together as, “a sign of reconciliation between divided Christians and between separated peoples.” 


  4. Women’s Retreat 2023 – Save the Date!


    Women of Hope Retreat 2023 is February 24-26.

    Be on the lookout for registration information coming soon.

    We sold out last year, so make plans to attend and be ready to sign up in December 2022.

    Helpful information: 

    Contact Rebekah Voelker for payment/scholarship/donation questions:

    Contact Missy Huibregste for all other retreat questions: