The Hope Blog

What's new at Hope.

  1. Time of Prayer for Missions this Friday Evening at 7PM to Close Out Our Fast

    On Sunday, Geno asked the Hope Chapel congregation to join in prayer and fasting for the group who will meet all day this Saturday, January 16th to hear the Lord about Hope’s missions’ decisions. He asked us to fast this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from food (non-solid diet) and/or from media and spend that time in prayer for the Mission’s group to have:

        • ears to hear

        • an ability to focus

        • Unity, and 

        • for whatever the Lord shows you how to pray for them.

    Geno invited anyone who’d like to come pray on Friday night the 16th to close out the time to meet in the main auditorium at 7:00 p.m.

  2. Worship Night Friday, Jan. 20th

    Come spend an evening of extended worship! Everyone is welcome – we want to honor God and increase the praise going up from our planet to the One who is worthy of ALL praise. Come fill the auditorium with songs, dance, praise, and passion. Let’s more deeply discover the very thing which God created us for – to experience His Glory!

    Child care provided for children 2nd grade and under, by reservation, from 7-8:30 PM. Deadline to RSVP is Sunday, Jan. 15th. RSVP by filling out the information below, then scroll to the bottom and click “Sign Up”.

    We regret that the deadline has passed to reserve child care.

  3. Family Night the 13th • Find Your People There at 6:30 p.m. Weekly

    Come find a group on Wednesdays at Family Night (meeting until summer). At Hope Chapel we believe strongly that it is in the context of small groups that we really live out our faith in Christ and grow to become all that God dreams for us.  

    Evening Meal and Schedule

    5:30-6:15 p.m.: Mealtime (donations accepted to defray the cost but the meal is offered free of charge). Can’t make the meal? Come at:

    6:15 p.m.: child care begins while we do a quick clean up

    6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.: Hope Groups meet



    All groups are open but each has a theme.

  4. Feast – Submit Now for the First Edition of the New Year

    It’s time for a new issue of Feast, sometime around first week of the New Year 2016. If you aren’t familiar with Feast, it’s our congregation’s art magazine, showing art work and poetry and spiritual reflection/meditation. You can actually find a copy of the current issue on the table in the foyer, in the bowl.

    Do you have a poem or thought (or two)? A picture? Scans of original artwork? The deadline for submissions is January 2nd, at 5:00 p.m. to Kevin Daniel . Subject matter and theme can be based on responses to sermons, reflections on art exhibits, personal narratives revolving around life with God in this season. It doesn’t have to be anything other than honest.

    Normal length of written submission is approximately 350 words, allowances can be made. Larger jpeg sizes for visual art preferred.

  5. Invite Someone to Join You at Christmas Eve Service from 5-6:00 p.m.

    Christmas Eve facebk


    Invite a friend, coworker, or neighbor now for the Christmas Eve Service from 5-6:00 p.m. on the 24th. 

     Come dressed for photos in front of the tree or bring the kids in pajamas. Invite your family and friends to sing the carols and hear the story once again of when Hope came as a human and lived among us. 

     Then stand in the darkness as the first candle is lit and see the glow slowly spread across the room, candle to candle. Until at last, enveloped in the glow, we remember when The Light came into the world and pierced the darkness. 





  6. Join the Christmas Choir!

    It’s not to late to join the Christmas choir! If you love to sing and want to join your voice with old and new friends to worship the King, come sing with the Christmas Choir!

    Our revised practice schedule (We will not practice December 5 so as not to conflict with practice for the Christmas party):

    Saturday morning, November 21 from 10am until 11:30am

    Monday evening, November 30 from 7pm until 8:30pm

    Monday evening, December 7 from 7pm until 8:30pm

    Saturday morning, December 12 from 10am until noon

    Choir will sing in the Sunday worship service on December 13.