The Hope Blog

What's new at Hope.

  1. Marathon Pix

    Dearly Beloved, I have posted a handful of photos, most shot by Suzi Raines, on my blog, which you can find here.

  2. Angela Brown’s Visual Arts in the Church Workshop, February 27, 1pm

    Angela will be teaching us about the use of banners this coming Saturday, February 27 from 1-3 pm. We will meet in the Family Room at Hope where she will share from her deep reservoir of knowledge and experience.  Email if you plan to join us.

    Angela will prepare handouts for those who plan to attend.  Hope to see you there!

  3. No Ash Wednesday Services

    Dearly Beloved,

    I have posted my hopemail note on why we will not be hosting Ash Wednesday services this year.  You can find it here.

    Also, I have received a number of responses and have posted the as well.  –geno

  4. More Resources for Dealing with Depression

    Dearly Beloved,

    On my personal blog I have posted a fantastic note I recently received from Adrienne Kiesel on the topic of finding relief from depression.  What makes this most helpful is that she opens her journey to all of us and humbly tells us where she has found help.  This is exactly what the Apostle Paul means when he writes 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, “Blessed by the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” (ESV)

    I strongly urge you to take a look at Adrienne’s post.  You can find it here.  –geno

  5. Resources for Dealing with Depression

    In a recent blog post I published links to a number of resources that I found very helpful in my journey to attempt to understand the difficulty of dealing with anxiety and depression experienced by many in my own personal space as well as at Hope Chapel.  You can access that blog post here.

    May God’s peace keep us all,


  6. Friday Night Worship

    Friday, January 29th, 7 – 8:30 pm

    Join us this Friday night to worship God and seek His face.

    Would you pray with us for this gathering?  Geno has asked that we fast breakfast and lunch on Friday, then eat supper so that we can worship the Lord together with strength and gusto!

    Even if you are unable to fast, we invite you to come and worship!

    We will worship together and will also pray for specific ministries as the Lord leads.

    See you then!!